Sunday, December 28, 2014

What if?

Well another year is coming to a close.  I was fortunate to experience some new highs as well as some new lows.   I simply call that, a life in balance.

I continue to be amused by folks that send their “Christmas letters” to once again inform the world of their perfect lives! 

It’s easy to assume in a world of social media that you are the only one “not” living a perfect life! 

…I can assure you, they are not and neither or you! 

If you have known me for long you may have heard me say “normal people are simply people you don’t know well!”

Soooooooo give yourself some grace…no one’s life is all cake and ice cream!  Even if they want you to think it is!

In order to move forward consider its “ok” to have “issues” in your life.  Tomorrow is another day and soon this year will be over and it’s time to “wonder” once again “what if?”

What if… your life was entirely up to you, not contingent on what others are expecting or needing from you?

What if…whatever you attempted you will eventually succeed!  Would you continue to try?

What if…this is your life to live and not "performance based" in order to achieve salvation?

What if…you knew no matter how hard you try you cannot change someone else’s destructive path unless they agree to be part of the plan?

What if…the act of giving is repaid tenfold and perhaps even more?

What if…money was always available when truly needed?

What if…there was a good reason for all things to happen the way they do?

What if…the way to change the world relied entirely on the change you create in yourself?

In 2015 I wish to you and all the folks that I am privileged to be associated with, a wonderful New Year.

And my answer to “What if?”  is simply “Why not!” 

It’s a whole lot better to believe in order to achieve!


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