Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dying, everyone is doing it!

Over the holidays I lost a few friends and attended their funerals. 

…and like everything else in my life I asked the questions?  Could we be doing this better?

I have yet to meet the person that figured out how to live forever.  So consider this…if you were born…you are gonna die!

Why not think about how you want to go out.  Do you want all your friends and family to meet at the local church (that you may or may not have attended) or a funeral home and have someone talk about you, talk about your salvation along with everyone else’s in the room.

Why do we mourn others deaths?  
What are your wishes?  
Do you wish for people to be sad at your funeral?  
Is it the role of your funeral to introduce everyone to religion? 

It appears to me that a great deal of folks don’t want to deal with the planning of their own funeral.  

So are you planning to leave that responsibility to someone else?  Really? 

Most seem to go with the boiler plate ceremony where your name is placed in the program and you or your family pick out a few hymns and one of your kids or friends tells sad stories.  We are all then asked to consider our own salvation and pray to whatever or whoever’s religion is represented at the funeral.

Consider this, if it rains on the day of your funeral, 60% of the people won’t show. 

People that are compelled to attend a funeral are most likely linked significantly to the person that has recently passed away.

I think a funeral should be as unique as the person that passed away.  It ought to be an expression of that person’s life or what they lived for. 

Why give up the last opportunity to go out with a bang or with some class!  Why not plan something different and memorable now.  Give your survivors a real memory and an imprint of your life.  Celebrate a life well lived! 

I would ask that you at least consider the road less traveled and don’t be a “me too” and do what other's think you should.   This world needs a little shaking up and changing the way funerals/celebrations are conducted could be just what’s needed!

What say you? 


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