Sunday, January 20, 2013

Magic in the Middle

This is a term I often refer to simply because it validates so many awesome people.  Growing up I often felt that I did not measure up constantly comparing myself with the top 5%.  Those that were cooler, skinnier, faster, taller, smarter, richer or you can pick your own.
I graduated middle of my class 228 of over 500 @ First Colonial High School in 1975. I ran the New York Marathon in 1987 and finished 10,635 out of 23,000 runners.  I am 5’7” and not too fat however not skinny either.  The list could go on however I think I made point.  I reside in the middle! 

One could simply view the world as Top / Middle / Bottom.  There is a lot of competition for that “top” spot however there is simply little room.  My goal, get comfortable in the middle.  There are a great number of us that reside here. 

I recognize that this is a bit of an over simplification however it serves me and how I operate in this world.  I enjoy the company of everyone I meet.  I am empowered daily by “normal” people doing heroic things.  People expect the “top” to always perform however it impresses everyone when the “middle” exceeds expectations.  Therein lies the "magic"

I now run an organization that gives everyone a chance at greatness.  We do not seek the best only those that want to help out the folks that reside at the “bottom and a few in the “middle”.   We seek out the heroes among everyday people and celebrate their noble deeds. 

The way I have it figured the “middle” represents the largest segment of folks in my community.  It is those folks that I call my friends and choose to hang out with.  Granted I know some “top” folks, doesn’t everyone?  Friends in high places are a gift to us all. 

Being happy in this world is a pretty good goal to accomplish.  I am happy to call myself a “middle man” and feel like a “top man when I help a “bottom man”.  Not a bad philosophy.  One could call it “Noble”  bi-da-boom!

I will finish with this…writing gives me something to check off my list.  It allows this middle man to bathe in a better feeling of legitimacy.  Somewhere in my persona I feel that communicating a piece of wisdom is a privilege and an expression of a gift. 

Writing also gives me a voice to those folks that I haven’t yet met! 

Your favorite “Middle Man”

Al Midgett


  1. Awesome Al! That is a very motivating way to look at things. I feel like I'm always working towards the top, but hangout in the middle. Maybe it's the best place to be.

  2. Thanks Kevin, I enjoy looking at things differently so I don't stay up at night trying to compete. If you are comfortable in you own skin it certainly relieves a lot of pressure to be someone you are not meant to be!

  3. Very good reminder to all that the middle can actually mean BALANCED. Well done! - Rita

  4. Such an uplifting and positive post. Consider me subscribed! Looking forward to keeping up with your blog. So glad that Betsey Reid shared your link on FB.
