Sunday, January 27, 2013

How do you spell V o l u n t e e r ?

How many times have you volunteered for something and regretted it?
How about the opposite? 
People have but so much time to give!   “A precious commodity for sure” 
If you depend on volunteers to help you get something accomplished, give it worthy thought. 
I think people seek return on investment on everything they do.  If you purchase something for a dollar you expect to get a $1.00 or more of value in return. 
If you donate an hour of your time, one would like to think that it wasn’t a waste of time, agree?
What if you donated time to something and you got back more than you expected?   Would you come back for more? Would you share your experience?
I once served on a nonprofit board and asked the question to the leader...How do you spell  V o l u n t e e r ? 
The Executive Director knew she shouldn’t take the bait, however humored me.  My point…everyone in this meeting is a volunteer.  We all have options for this hour.  Your job (my opinion) is to inspire us and make us feel our hour is not wasted.  Since no one is being compensated, a substitute for payment is desired.   
My hour simply needs to be deemed worthwhile!
Inspiration and passion rule the day.  People searching for ways to volunteer are vibrating at a higher level.  Their work a day world is missing something; a void needs to be filled outside of work and family. 
Certainly a church can fill this void however; it simply is not the answer for everyone!
Volunteering offers the chance to potentially meet other people that do not have an agenda since compensation is taken out of the picture.   If the environment is cool, opportunities plentiful, a nonprofit can be a life changing experience.

There are some awesome people in our community and I am honored to hang out with a large group of them!



  1. Very well said! I am looking forward to a NEW experience on Tuesday - Meals On Wheels. Just a couple of hours out of my day - we'll see how it goes. For those that haven't found their niche, try many avenues - you never know what may tickle your fancy.

  2. Good for you Leslie, you sure know a thing or two about wheels, have fun.
