Sunday, December 15, 2013

Don't be afraid to ring your bell?

How about you?  Is there something inside of you that needs to be expressed?  When are ya gonna do something about it?  How about now!

People that perform in order to be accepted or liked are cheating us on the real deal. 

I believe we all have an internal compass that is available, if we can find it.  There is quite a bit of chatter in this world preventing some of us to find their direction in this life. 

I love to make the analogy of water running down a path.  The water knows its path and if obstacles appear there might be a bit of turbulence however the water will find its path once again. 

I don't believe we are completely predestined, however, I do believe your true course resides within.  When you discover or stumble on your life’s path, you will find help in all the right places.
Everything in this world is ready to set you straight however you have to understand that most likely your path is not the easiest option.   

Every now and then I run into someone that finally figures out, its time to ring their bell.  It is a wonderful thing to witness. 

You see when passion kicks in and confidence jumps on board the world and all of us get to witness another miracle. 

So many people seek happiness through asset accumulation and job status and end up working on the wrong agenda.  The results in the end will indicate if you were following someone else’s path or your own.

Gauge your life by your smiles and those that smile around you!
This season offers us so many gifts, it is my wish that you get the chance to ring your bell and let us all enjoy the sound of it!


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