Monday, August 4, 2014

Why I married my bartender!

When some folks leave work they often stop by a favorite watering hole to have one or perhaps two cold libations prior to going home.  Why is that?

Some folks don’t have a family at home and after a big day you just need to hangout with someone that will listen and serve you that 5:00 PM necessity!

Who remembers the lady behind the bar that knew your troubles, laughed at your stories and didn't ask too many questions?  

Who really sets the tone @ the great watering holes?

You got it…the bartender! 

…and I married mine!

And for the last 25 years I have had a best friend that listens and does her part to make things work.  She is no stranger to hard work or useless drama.  

Our marriage has certainly had its ups and downs, however year to date we both still feel we have a large life in front of us. 

I don’t claim to possess the secrets of a successful marriage, however I did put some time into my decision.

…and it turned out to be a good one! that for me? 



  1. Makes great sense to me. Love it Cousin Al!

    1. Me too neighbor,keep it simple and love the folks that love ya back!
