Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Good Day!

I would have to say "a good day" is relative to what is important in your own life.  There are a number of things that contribute to what I would consider a good day for me.

Most of my days start out with a good hug with my wife.  If at the end of the day we are still smiling and enjoy each other's company, a good day!

If I have the opportunity to get in some sort of physical exercise before I go into work or even on the weekend, a good day!

I I accomplish something at work that I consider worthwhile for me and the company I work for, a good day!

If I run into an old friend and spend time in a good conversation or I meet a new friend and we have a good discussion, a good day!

If I have a conversation with my son, a good day!

If I have the opportunity to help someone out, a good day!

If I fix something that's broken, a good day!

If I eat well and don't feel guilty about it, a good day!

If I get the opportunity to stop by and visit my Mom, a good day!

If I learn or experience something new, a good day!

If I get in touch with my higher self, a good day!

How 'bout you, what's your criteria for a good day?

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