Sunday, January 12, 2014

Fresh Perspectives!

As I get older and hopefully wiser my perspectives on things are changing, how ‘bout you?

In combative conversations there does not need to be winners and losers.  If you claim to be right then someone is going to feel wrong.  Productive conversations cannot have winners and losers.  If you seek solutions and stay on high ground and don’t claim victory then nobody loses.

In non-profits and churches people are determined to pay the least and expect the most.  For some unique reasons people are afraid to invest for long term returns.  It is a tough gig for an entrepreneur however this one is gonna make it work!

When you talk to a teen you can choose to inspire or condemn.  There are so many lessons they need to learn and it sure makes life more palatable when you support them rather than break them down!

There are all kinds of wonderful and different people in his world, none more special than the next.  Kids with special needs and unique behavior patterns are finding their place in this world, simply because we all have one!  Help them!  Nothing happens by accident! 

Children learn in so many different ways and motivated by so many different things.  There cannot be a one size fits all when it comes to education.  I support new paradigms that allow kids alternative paths to follow or create.

Learning has changed from over time to just in time.  Almost anything you need to know can be reached with the touch of a finger.  Wisdom however still takes a little more time!

Health can be an internal issue and not external.  So much improvement can be made with good choices and knowledge. 

Inflammation is a constant plague for so many.  If you stop consuming things that your body has to fight then all resources are available for you to feel wonderful!

A job can be converted to a lifestyle if you learn to pursue your passions as opposed to other’s agendas.    

Live well...Learn more! 


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