Sunday, October 26, 2014

You want amazing? Put in the time!

I was reading about a birdwatcher on the Eastern Shore that dedicates her days and hours to observing and counting hawks and raptors that fly down the Eastern Shore.  She commented that often people remark “I never see the cool birds”.  Her response “you have to put in the time”.

That remark got me thinking.  How many times have you heard a comment like that?  I can equate it to surfing…”you should have been here yesterday”.  The reasons good surfers get good waves is because they study the surf every day.  When a swell is on the way, they know about it before everyone else, including most amateur surfers.  They put in the time!  

I live in Back Bay and the water level rises and falls significantly and it rarely has anything to do with rain or tides.  People often are confused as to why!  After living here for over a decade, I know it has everything to do with the winds.  North wind means low water and south wind, high water.  I know that because I put in the time!

What confuses or amazes you?  Do you possess the passion to pursue it?

I’ve often been amazed by musicians and singers.  Working with a musician and having a son that plays guitar has allowed me to understand the investment you need to make in your craft in order to even remotely be entertaining.  

You simply don’t wake up one day and decide to be good at something.  You choose a direction and simply outlast everyone else because you develop a passion for its pursuit.  Only then will you accomplish something that perhaps will amaze others.  

I enjoy being amazed by others.  You meet these folks from time to time but not often.  Hard work and persistence are rare.

This applies to almost anything, not only to sports and entertainment.  Not everyone chooses to be amazing, however don’t be envious unless you put in the time yourself!  


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