Sunday, August 25, 2013

"Normal People” are simply people you don’t know well!

I have this bad habit of comparing myself to others.   I envy other people’s lives from time to time. 
How about you?

Be careful when you judge a person’s life by a snapshot.  There is a whole lot you never see!

I consider everyone’s life is like a big pie.  You have pieces that are larger than others however in the end you still have only one pie to work with.  If you get a big piece of the “smart” you may get less of another.  It all balances out in the end.

I often talk about the “law of allowing” be careful what you allow in your life to annoy you.  That includes envy.  It is really your decision.

I wrote a blog a few months back titled “Magic in the Middle”.  It deals with getting comfortable in your own skin.  So many of us are simply living our lives and doing our best to maintain a smile. 

I consider a smile to be a gift to me each day, a return on investment of good thinking or action!

I want to be happy and I want my friends and family to be happy as well. 

Sometimes it’s hard to be happy when you are trying to be someone else!  Keep in mind that if you are always striving you are never arriving!

Celebrate your life today and keep a smile on your face!


Sunday, August 18, 2013

You can’t change the wake of your boat

It can however be ridden and enjoyed to extreme levels! 

So many people live in their past dwelling on what they used to be or upset with the way their lives have been lived!  

Consider your life as a speedboat and wherever you have steered that boat you have left a trail or a wake that is behind you!  It cannot be changed; your trail is marked with your deeds and actions.  After a while they will slowly go away and end up on some shore. 

As Captain of your boat, it is up to you to steer it in the direction of your desired course in life.  In every instance you leave a past that should be kept there.  It can always be remembered and cherished or simply forgotten.   

The wonder of it all; it is up to you to choose!  Some people will go out and buy a map and chart a course or follow one that others have set forth for them while others will simply drift! 
My favorite will lick their finger stick it up in the wind and decide then and there where life will lead them today!

The benefit of leading an exciting life is the wake of your boat is always fun to play on.  Your past is appreciated and celebrated and easy to visit since you left such a magnificent trail!

I recently stepped back into a past chapter in my life.  Managers that use to work with me at WaterFurnace International came to visit and talk about old times.   I truly enjoyed hearing the stories of cool adventures and profitable times in business.  We all appreciated how we steered our boats back then and were proud of the wake we left!

The other benefit of this analogy involves the understanding that there is always a new course that leads to a new day and a new life!  A life that you create with your new path.  That new path leaves a new trail to be remembered and appreciated. 

Where are you steering your boat today?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Why I Ride a Motorcycle

I guess it started with horses.  As a kid most of my cousins were taking riding lessons from Great Neck Stables or Princess Anne Stables, both run by Aunts of mine.   That was until I was introduced to a neighbor’s mini bike.  I never stopped desiring to go for a ride after taking my first!

As I grew so did the size of my motorcycles. 
I was working a trade show in Central Va.  in the mid 90's for WaterFurnace Intl and was introduced to a Yamaha V-Max, about the “baddest”  thing you have ever seen on two wheels.  For two days I watched this thing spin around on a display table while On Any Sunday (the movie) was playing in the back ground.   
I made a bet with my VP and later owned that bike! 


Another reason I own a motorcycle is that I like to give back and there is always a ride available to help something or someone.  Yesterday I rode in the Extortion Memorial Ride dedicated to the memory of 30 active duty military and 1 military working dog killed in action on August 6, 2011. Extortion 17 was the CH-47 helicopter shot down by enemy fire in Afghanistan. 
It doesn’t get much better.  The road was filled with friends and neighbors waving flags and posters.  Everyone was "plugged in" to the reason we were there and the money flowed in like honey dew vine water!

I now own a 1996 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail Nostalgia that I won in a raffle on a local ride by the Kiwanis to support CHKD.  The winning ticket was sold to me by Morris Long at a Robin Hood meeting (now The Noblemen) many years ago.

I guess you can see I was just destined to own and ride a motorcycle.

So I will continue to ride and use it as a vehicle to help local causes with my "Noble Riders" and friends keeping a smile on my face with a bug or two between my teeth! 
