Sunday, November 30, 2014

May the force be with you!

…and also with you! 

Who doesn't remember those lines from the epic Star Wars Trilogies?  What kid didn't wish to be like Luke Skywalker and have the ability summon the power of the force inside of you!

Now with the new Star Wars movies coming out a whole new legion of kids will learn about the power of the force!

I love the thought of quieting your mind in order to summon a connection that makes you even better than you already are!  You now become the best of the best and you never miss your target!  You are constantly aware of what is going on around you as well as everywhere else you care about! 

The ability to summon your inner force would allow you confidence over every situation always knowing the who/what/where and when to move forward. 

In a simpler sort of way I believe the force is available to all of us.  If you are honest in your pursuits and passionate about the process, the force is in you!

Do you believe in your force?  Or are you relying on someone else’s force to get you where you need to go?

A few folks in my path understand the connection and vibrate at a slightly higher frequency than most of us.  The force is strong with them!

What is the result of tapping into the force?


May the force be with you!


Sunday, November 16, 2014

How often do you think about your Dash?

There's two dates in time that they'll carve on your stone
And everyone knows what they mean, what's more important
Is the time that is known in that little dash there in between
(Garth Brooks Pushing up Daisies)

When you attend a close friend’s funeral you often consider their dash and perhaps you consider your own!  What will be your foot print?

Consider this, how many people today understand you completely?  After your gone do you think they will get it right?  

Most likely “No.”

Sometimes people’s perspectives baffle the hell out of me.  I can only imagine how that might be amplified or forgotten when I’m gone.

Frankly I rarely consider my dash and the reason is…I’m too busy trying to figuring out today!  When I plan, I often get it wrong.  When I pay attention, I get it right!  

How about a plan to make that dash truly stand for something!   I want people to simply “smile” when they see my dash.  A life well lived! 

As I have talked about in past blogs, I am not a fan of how most funerals are conducted.  Perhaps we would start something new called Celebrating the Dash!

The funeral would primarily be a celebration of the life that has just come to a close.  The focus would not be on salvation or the salvation of those attending.

The purpose would be to put the proper stamp on a life well lived. 

Don’t dwell on your dash; work on your life one day at a time.  

Celebrate today as if your dash could end tomorrow. 


1957 – 20??

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Come on over for a "feed" and don't bring a fork, bring a shovel!

Yesterday there was a “feed” going on at the end of my street!  Four guys and a few of their buddies warmed up everything from collards, whole hog, chili, venison, shrimp boil, smoked chicken, oysters, clams, and I’m sure some other stuff! 

I was invited for two reasons, I own a big grill and I volunteered to bring the beans, and mind you not just any beans, but the “best beans on the planet.”  At least that was the recipe calls them!

Steve Wozniak (Apple co-founder) recently spoke at a local forum and proclaimed what made him happy was not fame and fortune but three things that begin with “F.”   Family, food, and friends …and there could be one more “F.”

On either end of the road I live on presides two great cooks.  One is Willy and the other is Billy, and I refer to them as my bookends!   I have learned a lot about cooking “big food” from these guys and feel fortunate that I have paid attention and embraced the passion.

A few weekends back my organization cooked for close to 4000 folks.  Over 300 lbs. of pulled pork and enough sausages and pretzels to make anyone wearing lederhosen smile!

I think there is a bit of magic in a gathering of good folks celebrating eating good food in abundance.   I have never enjoyed handing my plate to someone else to put food on it.  I prefer to walk up to a large display of awesome food and use large utensils to scoop up chucks of phenomenally tasty consumables! 

Portions simply don’t exist at most of these large get-togethers.  The folks that are doing the cooking do it because they love to cook and know how!  They are not there to profiteer, only to share great food with great folks.

I have to agree with Wozniak, true happiness does reside with great friends, food and family!  You can make up your own mind whether you need more than that! 


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Whoa! Someone listened!

I got up this morning knowing that today is the day to write my blog!  I pay attention during the week seeking topics to spew about and this week, bone dry!

I fired up the laptop and read this post by a young man that lived with us a while at Sherwood Farms. 

Today I am writing my 75th blog and I dedicate it to "Will" aka Billy Berry!

Life sucks quite often. Sometimes it's just for a day, sometimes even longer, but at least you're alive, which means you have all of the power you need to turn it around. My pops once told me if I put positivity out in the universe then the universe will eventually give it back.
And, as usual, he was right. Thank you for your boundless wisdom, Pops. This moment on I swear to no longer be a part of the problem, but to be a part of the solution”

Billy was one of the neighborhood kids on our street.  When his Mom passed he had no where to go and was basically on the streets as a lost teen!  We took him in and he lived at our farm for over a year. 

Billy has known tough times and faced more than his share of demons however you see him at the Pungo 7-11 and he brightens up your day!  Good on you Billy for “getting it” early.   

I will enjoy watching you grow old!

I have always had something to say.  When I learn new things or understand the world just a bit better I can’t wait to share! 

That’s why I write this blog and why I wrote Normal to Noble.

I am thrilled to say that a few have listened to my free advice and for whatever reason it worked for them. 

Some folks invest in stocks and others in Real Estate.  I have decided to invest in people and feel very fortunate to have made many deposits! 

So excited to see a return on my investment!


NobleOne aka "Pops"