Sunday, January 26, 2014

What if?

A while back I was watching a TED Talk (Ideas worth sharing) about a conductor by the name of Eric Whitacre.   He created a virtual choir and inspired thousands of people from all over the world to create a song with him.  He orchestrated it using the internet and YouTube. 

This is a video he produced on YouTube showcasing his composition entitled Fly to Paradise.  The editing of something like this must be truly daunting however the end product amazes and inspires me like no other!   Do yourself a favor and find the time to watch this and observe all of the people that participated in order to make it happen.
It simply fascinates the hell out of me; how using the right tool combined with the right idea, you potentially make a  huge impact and perhaps, change the world.

Yesterday along with The Noblemen, I worked the Coastal Winefest.   We were in charge of the Beer Garden.  An oasis among a great deal of wine and vendors! 

Thousands of people attended and provided me and others the opportunity to talk a great deal about what we do.  I ran across a Sheriff from Central Va. that was representing a local winery.   He shared a website with me called The Chive, an internet site that allows people to support local philanthropy from around the world.  Perhaps a next step!  Check it out

As I mentioned in one of my recent blogs; I do not plan to far in the future.  The reason; I might miss the current magic that happens every day in every moment.

The way I see it, I could meet the person or observe the moment that could change my life once again.  The difference in me; I am looking for it!  If you focus too much on the future you only look at the forest and forget to observe the trees!
I choose to believe there are miracles around every corner and I just may find one today or help someone else find theirs, either works for me just fine!

How will you live your life today?


Sunday, January 19, 2014

The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time!

Earlier this week I was running on my treadmill listening to James Taylors' DVD One Man Band.   The song had played most of the way through and then I heard that tag line once again.  The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.  What a simple but novel thought.  Who doesn’t want to figure out the secret of life?

Could it really be that simple?  I backed the song up to listen to all of the lyrics.  James then told me that “any fool can do it, there ain't nothing to it!”  I simply smiled and listened for more J.T. wisdom and was not disappointed to hear.  “Since we are only here for a while we might as well show some style.  It’s just a lovely ride.”  Ok all of you, the secret is out!

Years ago I read Eckhart Tolle’s Power of NOW and it opened up my world a bit.  Then Wayne Dyer told me “If you are always striving you are never arriving.”  …and recently I watched a 14 year old boy tell me on  “TED Talk, Ideas worth sharing”  that education should be focused on the premise of being “happy.”  I think James Taylor has it right!

I often consider my future and what I want to accomplish in the years I have left.  I’ve learned to not dwell on my past because as I have said, you can never change the wake of your boat, you can only steer it in new direction.  Now I need to focus on the boat ride itself and enjoy the moment! 

It does sound simple; however, we all know it’s not!   Consider it, and consider stopping to smell the roses from time to time.  I do catch myself in “now” moments and stop thinking and simply smile to take it all in! It’s like exercising a muscle, the more you do it the fitter you become. 

There are times that I call my “God moments.”  They occur in many different surroundings however I am always alone when it happens.  These are not moments of prayer and cannot be called upon when needed.  I would describe them as “awakened times” that gets christened with a wash of emotion that combines joy and sorrow all at once.  I often laugh and cry at the same time.  It truly is a weird wonderful feeling.  I cherish these moments and bank them as wisdom nuggets that arrive from a higher place.  I have never been misled by a “God moment.”

I encourage all of us to listen and pay attention for your moments and while you are at it...

Enjoy the passage of time!


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Fresh Perspectives!

As I get older and hopefully wiser my perspectives on things are changing, how ‘bout you?

In combative conversations there does not need to be winners and losers.  If you claim to be right then someone is going to feel wrong.  Productive conversations cannot have winners and losers.  If you seek solutions and stay on high ground and don’t claim victory then nobody loses.

In non-profits and churches people are determined to pay the least and expect the most.  For some unique reasons people are afraid to invest for long term returns.  It is a tough gig for an entrepreneur however this one is gonna make it work!

When you talk to a teen you can choose to inspire or condemn.  There are so many lessons they need to learn and it sure makes life more palatable when you support them rather than break them down!

There are all kinds of wonderful and different people in his world, none more special than the next.  Kids with special needs and unique behavior patterns are finding their place in this world, simply because we all have one!  Help them!  Nothing happens by accident! 

Children learn in so many different ways and motivated by so many different things.  There cannot be a one size fits all when it comes to education.  I support new paradigms that allow kids alternative paths to follow or create.

Learning has changed from over time to just in time.  Almost anything you need to know can be reached with the touch of a finger.  Wisdom however still takes a little more time!

Health can be an internal issue and not external.  So much improvement can be made with good choices and knowledge. 

Inflammation is a constant plague for so many.  If you stop consuming things that your body has to fight then all resources are available for you to feel wonderful!

A job can be converted to a lifestyle if you learn to pursue your passions as opposed to other’s agendas.    

Live well...Learn more! 


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Decisions for 2014!

Well the pressure is on.  What are we gonna do different in 2014?  What are your resolutions?  You can’t help but be confronted by the reality that another year is just starting.  Everyday people are making new decisions and committing to new goals.

2013 is now behind us and everyone I know is happy to start again in 2014.  The holidays are the bridge between both years and for most of us, stressful and emotional.  So many people live for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Depression sets in later on with overeating and unexpected deaths through the holidays that seem to always occur.  It is quite a roller coaster ride.

Now 2014 is here and creates a clean slate to right wrongs and start new directions.  Of course we carry baggage from years past however you have to admit a certain amount of optimism about a fresh start!

Do yourself a favor and take some time to consider your next steps.  Keep in mind that life offers 5 steps forward and gives you 5 steps back.  Real progress is slow however achievable with persistence and passion.  It starts with a good decision and it’s a good time to ponder some new ones! 

Most great things don’t happen through committees!  There is a bit of magic in all of us and it doesn’t emerge through group therapy.  Spend some time loving yourself and paying attention to new thoughts and opportunities.

I have three large projects for 2014 and because of that, 2014 is starting to feel pretty good.  I plan to meet new people and create change in my life as well as others.   

These days my motivations have shifted.  Recently I spent time reviewing old journals and revisiting my challenges from over a decade ago.  I had unresolved questions back then that are now resolved, allowing me to be free from some of the burdens of uncertainty.  It was a great exercise!

Yep, I am looking forward to 2014!  Come to think of it, I have looked forward to every year in my life and give thanks for the adventures!
