Sunday, April 27, 2014

Love or Fear, no other options!

Many years ago I read that there were really just two emotions and those were Love and Fear.   It was an interesting notion for me that I quickly challenged intellectually!

I considered other emotions like "pissed off", jealousy, envy, sadness, and slowly understood that all were versions of fear and could not fit into the description of Love.
Fear is the emotion of being uninformed or unplugged.  It can exhibit frustration and lead to lots of other emotions however its roots are always pointed at fear.   Overall I would tie fear to anxiety.  I often get anxious when I don’t prepare or get caught in a situation that I have yet to figure out a solution to.  It is all rooted in fear!

Now let’s consider love, an emotion with endless possibilities and meanings.  When true love exists there in a sense of tranquility whether or not it is dealing with a person or a state of existing. 

My friend John Koehler talks of "agape love" which is often translated as “unconditional love.”  This is “no holds barred” love and awesome to witness.   It truly demonstrates an unrestricted emotion that triumphs every day!

I don't think this is an easy world to live in for anyone.  I am constantly bombarded by new challenges and right and left turns.  Understanding this simple nugget of wisdom is powerful for me.   I continue to challenge its authenticity and to date it still rings as a foundational truth. 

Controlling my emotions and understanding how my world works is priceless.  So much time can be wasted pursuing senseless emotions and a misunderstanding of messages sent from countless sources.

Sharing what I have learned helps me fill back up my cup.  There is a time for learning and a time for practicing what you learn.  As your skills increase they become a part of who you are.

Great wisdom can be learned simply by studying water.  When new opportunities are present water can envelope them or go around.  It can also be one of the most powerful energies in our world. 

When you encounter new opportunities in your life consider your reactions.  Love the fact that you have new choices and don’t be fearful of new paths to explore! 


Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Smile! What a great return on investment!

My biggest “smile” generator!  

 M&M "Marlin and Matt" 

When I think about my assets and the things I treasure, a smile ranks right up there near the top! 

Consider how you feel during a big smile experience.  Not much matches that feeling and…guess what?  If you practice it you will get better at it!

It cost you nothing however it is priceless when given to others!

Lately I have been watching people smile and catching myself in those moments and asking why!

I have decided that the best use of my time is working on things that make me and others smile! 

For me, a smile offers a confirmation that life is on the right track for a moment.  For some, those moments are rare and wonderful and offer a peak at one’s soul.

Consider a life that focuses on the end results of a smile.  Chance encounters on the street can change to opportunities when the offering of a smile is introduced!

Recently I have been in the presence of great smiles and they have lifted me to a higher vibration of existing.  This young man Reginald Land can light up any room with his authentic grin!  

As a provider for my family I am constantly considering the effects of my actions and investments.  A smile on my son or wife’s face is priceless to me and worthy of continuous pursuit. 

If you think about it smiles come in all shapes, sizes and reasons.  Recently I overheard a parent talking about me.  She was telling her friend that her daughter (a NobleTeen) enjoyed being around me because I was always upbeat and keep a smile on my face!  That comment made my day! 

My father, A. B. Midgett, could take away the darkness with his smile.  If I lost my father in a crowd I could simply wait for a moment and I would hear his laughter.  Of all the characteristics to inherit from your parents I was fortunate to get a small piece of my Dad’s smile. 

Leading The Noblemen allowed me to take part in generating a smile that was "priceless" and changed the life of a young lady named Amber.  From a disfiguring and horrific accident at age 3 to a beautiful smile as a young adult and a bright future! 

As I live my life I will surround myself with folks and things that make me smile and do my best to return the favor whenever possible!


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Are there Leaders Among Us?

Are people born to be leaders or are they simply created because it is time for someone to be one?

Certainly some are thrust into leadership because of who they are, who they know or whose son or daughter they are!  Time in the saddle can create a great leader!  

I am a big fan of the leaders that emerge because it was their time designated by circumstances.  It gets down to a decision at that point!  

Perhaps it happens like this…What just happened?...Do I?...Should I?...Hell yes I’m doing it!...and from that point on you are venturing down a whole new path with a different rule-book!

In my opinion there is a tremendous waste of resources going on right here in my hometown.  A place I love, Virginia Beach, Va.  I have lived here all of my life and it is my intention to be planted here when I die. 

There are a whole bunch of "leaders" I would like to inspire!!!!!!

In 2005/2006 I participated in the “Lead” program of Hampton Roads, a division of the Chamber of Commerce.   50 participants are selected every year to spend time together each month learning, visiting, and experiencing our region.  Each class is always diverse and a unique representation of our community.

Over the course of 25 years LEAD has graduated over 1200 folks that truly give a damn about this community.  Why else would you go through this program? 

The assets for me go way beyond the things and places I learned about.  For me it was the people I got to know.  Truly amazing dynamic people that I wanted to get to know better.

Every year each class has a project that hopefully will last into perpetuity.  The class of 2013’s project is LEADers Among US.   Its purpose is to create a living history of our region’s leaders.   A collection of videos capturing the essence of lives well-lived in the service of others.   The project’s goal is to provide inspiration and a road map to success for generations to come. 

I am honored to be the first recipient and can’t wait to share my story as well as my views on leadership. 

On Tuesday, April 22nd I invite you to join me and a couple hundred local leaders that will come together and see the first video and talk about LEADership. 

The event will be @ MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) 2200 Parks Ave in Va. Beach.  The gathering is free and The Noblemen will provide a cash bar and some good food. 
Festivities will start @ 5:30 PM and will end @ 7:30 PM

The LEAD class of 2013 will host the evening with us and I am confident you will be glad you came.

Join me in a night of discovery and let’s give all this Leadership something to do!  

You can RSVP to me @ or call Noble HQ @ 757-340-7900
