Sunday, October 26, 2014

You want amazing? Put in the time!

I was reading about a birdwatcher on the Eastern Shore that dedicates her days and hours to observing and counting hawks and raptors that fly down the Eastern Shore.  She commented that often people remark “I never see the cool birds”.  Her response “you have to put in the time”.

That remark got me thinking.  How many times have you heard a comment like that?  I can equate it to surfing…”you should have been here yesterday”.  The reasons good surfers get good waves is because they study the surf every day.  When a swell is on the way, they know about it before everyone else, including most amateur surfers.  They put in the time!  

I live in Back Bay and the water level rises and falls significantly and it rarely has anything to do with rain or tides.  People often are confused as to why!  After living here for over a decade, I know it has everything to do with the winds.  North wind means low water and south wind, high water.  I know that because I put in the time!

What confuses or amazes you?  Do you possess the passion to pursue it?

I’ve often been amazed by musicians and singers.  Working with a musician and having a son that plays guitar has allowed me to understand the investment you need to make in your craft in order to even remotely be entertaining.  

You simply don’t wake up one day and decide to be good at something.  You choose a direction and simply outlast everyone else because you develop a passion for its pursuit.  Only then will you accomplish something that perhaps will amaze others.  

I enjoy being amazed by others.  You meet these folks from time to time but not often.  Hard work and persistence are rare.

This applies to almost anything, not only to sports and entertainment.  Not everyone chooses to be amazing, however don’t be envious unless you put in the time yourself!  


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Are teenagers a good investment?

In 2006 I had lunch with Paul Hirschbiel on a mission to explore “next steps” for The Noblemen.  I recently read a book about taking informative people to lunch because it was much easier and cheaper than hiring them to consult! 

Paul suggested we find a way to help teenagers.  He mentioned that they were such a tough investment, however everyone wants to help them. 

As I drove away from that conversation, I considered possible scenarios.  We could start a group within our existing organization and call them NobleTeens!  I immediately thought of Ovaltine (old chocolate drink) and felt there was a new brand in the making!

I started conversations with others about NobleTeens and it became quite apparent we had a new direction.  My good friend and board member Pete Reuss stepped up to the plate and joined me as my wing-man on this new adventure.  We met with a donor that directed us to start with Tallwood High School in Virginia Beach and we were off and running.

This past Friday I walked into a NobleTeen meeting at Princess Anne High School.  The teacher/sponsor was one of our own, Noblemen Jason Barefoot.  As I looked around the room from the doorway, unable to enter due to the amount of teens in the room, I spotted Gracie Booze, daughter of Chris Booze, another member of the Noblemen.  

The meeting was being run by a young lady I had never met and vice versa, yet there she was being Noble!  Amazing stuff for me! 

Earlier that same week I was startled in my truck as the person in the car next to me blasted her horn!  I looked over and it was none other than Amber Robinson, the young NobleTeen we helped with reconstructive surgery on her upper jaw in 2006.  She tagged me on Facebook later that morning and stated “it’s not every day you see the man that changed your life”!   

                                               Dr. Trey White, Amber and Miracle Matt

A young man we met at Salem High School, “Reggie” found his way early on with NobleTeens and decided to change his life.  Yesterday I read an article written in the University News at Norfolk State about him. 

                                          Reginald Land branding with his Noblemen lapel pin

So I say to you! 

Teenagers are not a good investment they are a GREAT investment!

                                                            NobleTeens @ ECSC

So invest in yours or someone else’s today!


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Once again riding with Joe!

One of my passions or some might say addictions, is food.  I enjoy cooking it, eating it, watching it, and preparing it for others. 

Last week I cooked 300 lbs of hickory smoked pork while my buddies were roasting bratwursts and soft pretzels.  Thousands of folks were eating everything that wasn’t nail down and perhaps a few things that were!

People love our food and I love it too!  The issue!!!!  I add pounds as we Help Kids and Change Lives! 

A couple of years back my good buddy Pete Hansen and I were introduced to Joe Cross who produced the movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead and decided to Go Green!  No solid food for 60 days. 

That exercise in extreme food discipline changed my life two years ago and it’s time to once again ride with Joe!

One pound a day goes away!  For me, there is no better plan that yields greater results!

Welcome back Joe, I missed ya!
