Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Promise of the Dragonfly!

Winter is simply a tough season when you own a farm.  When temperatures drop below freezing the opportunity to get water to everybody and everything becomes the challenge of each day!

When the weather eventually turns warmer, the bugs return and the worse ones start out the season first. 

I remember when we moved out to the county 15 years ago and being attacked by the dreaded “may fly” in my driveway.  I researched everything from putting blue tape on buckets to mosquito zone. 

…and eventually the dragonflies emerged.  Such wonderful creatures with no agenda but to look cool fly awesome and consume bad bugs! 

The dragonfly is the beginning of balance of life on the farm.  I can truly appreciate the sun, warm water, boat rides to Blue Pete’s and sup’n on Back Bay since I endured the opposite during the winter months.

I consider this one more lesson to learn about life.  It simply is not cake and ice cream all the time.  

In order to enjoy the peaks of life you have to have spent some time in the valleys.   How can you enjoy true happiness unless you have experienced sincere sadness?

I feel allowing this balance to occur in your life without judgment leads to life’s true wisdom!

Grow during your pain and suffering and celebrate when the sun begins to shine again!


Sunday, February 8, 2015

You don't know what you don't know!

How can you move forward when you don’t know what you don’t know?  You can’t pursue the goal if you are not aware that it even exists!

Some folks have no idea what they are capable of because they have no idea that it could be available to them.

It’s funny how one day or action by another can open a door that you are not aware even existed.

It doesn't necessarily have to change the world, however it can start a new direction that gains momentum and eventually becomes something completely different.

The exercise is to "remain open to everything and attached to nothing" so says my friend Wayne Dyer.

I find it refreshing to learn something new and immediately place it in my life and live just a little different because of it!

So today keep both eyes open, your heart full and intentionally don’t predict how your day will emerge! 


Sunday, February 1, 2015

It amazes me what people can do for people!

I heard a holocaust survivor make this statement about the folks that held him hostage and later changed his soul. 

At 14 no child should endure what he did and today he talks to anyone and everyone about preventing this type of atrocity to ever be repeated.

He traveled back to Germany and was embraced and encouraged to live out his life with this mission.

He made the statement in the radio interview “It is amazing what people can do for people.”  Truly a powerful statement when you consider his life, it struck me to the core.

One person can truly change a life of another, a tremendous responsibility and perhaps a burden.  A powerful notion to be sure!

If you examine your life you will recognize the ripples that turned to waves and the waves that turned to ripples.  You cannot judge the moment with the ability of hind sight!

Every day you have the opportunity to respond to someone’s life.  Be authentic and consider how your actions will play out over time!

We all possess the opportunity to make a difference in other’s lives.  Wisdom offers the insight not to judge.  History will do that for us!

When the story is finally told hopefully you will be the good part!
