Sunday, December 25, 2016

It's A Wonderful Life

It's Christmas Day and I do my best to write a blog on Sundays if the spirit moves me and it simply did not this morning.

That is until I turned on the TV and watched It's A Wonderful Life, the 1946 Christmas Classic!

I'm sure each and every one of us has those days that make you feel a little bit like George Bailey. Pondering whether or not it would matter if you had never been born.

Yesterday, at the Birdneck Food Lion Christmas gift giving I had my George Bailey moment.  From Thanksgiving to the day prior to Christmas Eve The Noblemen collect gifts to distribute to those folks that could use a break during the holidays.  When those "Noble Deeds" are done we typically have gifts left over and on Christmas Eve we give the rest of them away!

The Christmas spirit is very much alive on Christmas Eve for me.  Our families, kids and all participate in this effort that truly does "Help Kids. And Change Lives."  For all of us most of all!

On this  Christmas Day I want to thank all of you for making me feel like George Bailey, "The Richest Man In Town!"

There is no greater gift than great friends and I am blessed with more that I deserve!

Merry Christmas Everyone!


Sunday, December 18, 2016

I do it my way!

It is my belief that inside everyone there is a compass.  A true direction to lead you to next steps and beyond.

When you lose your headings in life or you are in need for a course correction, know that help is internal.

Like a worn path in front of you, it is familiar when you get back on track.  ,,,and when you are off track, you know that as well.

Life is all about adventures and regaining balance.  If you don't experience the lows you simply cannot enjoy the highs!

During this Holiday season it is my Christmas wish that all of you check your compass and consider your current course settings.

The winds of 2017 are coming and there will be storms as well as sunny weather.  Know possess the tools to survive and even thrive.

Seek within and let your internal polish up your external!

Merry Christmas to all my friends!


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sometimes you just have to push the Reset Button!

Next year I will be 60 years old and to be honest, I was not sure I was going to make it.  It is not that I think that 60 is old mind you, I lost my father in his 59th year and it was on my mind!

Well I no longer think about that, my 59th year turned out to be a life changer!  My passion and my reason for being went away.  It was not remotely on my radar screen that I would no longer head up The Noblemen.

So....I had to press my "reset button" in order to save my farm, my life, and everybody I still owed. Not an easy task when you are 59.  Some folks think your best days are behind you.  ...and for almost three months I was thinking they might have a point.

I'm happy to say that is not the case today.  I spent all of last week at my new career.  I ran into folks that I worked with 10 years ago when I worked for WaterFurnace International and even over 30 years ago when I worked for Ferguson Enterprises.  It has begun to feel like an old comfortable pair of boots.  Life is going to move forward!

I am fortunate to have a wife that still loves me after over 27 years and put up with me when she was sometimes second fiddle to my involvement with "Helping Kids, And Changing Lives."  I can now right that wrong and that means a lot to me.

It is my desire in this next career to make those needed changes that allow me to glide into the next few decades with a smile on my face and a bank account to finance it.

How about all of you?  It takes some guts to push that "button."  I have heard from others that got their button pushed, and like me, there was still a future left!

To all my great friends, I am still here and I love you all!  It just may take a little more effort to spend time together, however,  it will be worth the additional investment.
