Sunday, December 29, 2013

Do You Dream Big?

Years ago I had the pleasure of meeting with Dr. Bill Magee and Wayne Zinn, Founder and CFO of Operation Smile.   In the room was a world map, both shared with me their vision of where Operation Smile was in the world presently and where it needed to go next.   Dr. Magee then stated to me; “Do you know the difference between you and me?”   “I Dream Bigger!”  I never forgot it!

I am currently reading Steve Jobs, and enjoying every bit of it.  Truly the man had Big Dreams linked with the passion to get it done.   Overcoming huge obstacles are part of the game however a dogged pursuit and a clear vision wins the day in most cases. 

It is a rare occasion to meet with people that Dream Big, however I would like to.  I am currently involving myself in a project that would bring hundreds of local leaders together.  I am fascinated by the possibilities of what a gathering of local leaders could accomplish. 

Walter Segaloff recently passed away, however not before inspiring me to Dream Big about the possibilities of educating kids in a new way.  Walter founded the Achievable Dream Academy; an exciting new paradigm in education that I feel is truly needed in some of our communities. 

My son is now 20 and has numerous friends that possess real opportunities however live in an environment that stymies their pursuits.  I daily ponder creating some sort of platform that would allow these young adults to be mentored, inspired and allowed to pursue their Big Dreams

How about you?  Do you Dream Big

Dream Big…Visualize…Attract…Pay Attention…Take Action…Keep A Smile On Your Face & Others


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Giving vs Getting

What’s on your mind this time of year?  Are you preparing your lists or are you taking care of lists?  I am not sure when the shift happened to me however my holidays have been wonderful ever since. 

A close friend of mine lost his sister to cancer and her dying wish was for her children to understand that giving is the better gift.  Our Noblemen Toy Drive honors that wish.  Not only do her children “get it” now, but all of ours do as well. 

Yesterday my morning was spent with thirty plus volunteers that unloaded and sorted over 1000 toys.  The line for getting gifts formed along the side and down into the parking lot of the Hilltop YMCA.   Every family in the line had missed all of the Christmas lists and simply had no opportunity to get gifts for their kids this Christmas.

Our line formed inside as children of Noblemen members and NobleTeens stood ready to interview each child needing a gift.  Then they would shop in the next room and bring back a gift and make sure it created a smile.

As I walked around the room there was nothing but joy!  Stories were being shared, pictures were being taken, and kids were getting hugged! 

Witnessing a child or a teenager transform to a “giver” from a “getter” is my Christmas gift to me!  It is also our gift to membership. 

I live in a world where people don’t ask me what are you getting for Christmas this year, they ask me what am I giving for Christmas this year?

Do you want to improve your Christmas with your family?  Learn to give and get one more reason to enjoy this season!


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Don't be afraid to ring your bell?

How about you?  Is there something inside of you that needs to be expressed?  When are ya gonna do something about it?  How about now!

People that perform in order to be accepted or liked are cheating us on the real deal. 

I believe we all have an internal compass that is available, if we can find it.  There is quite a bit of chatter in this world preventing some of us to find their direction in this life. 

I love to make the analogy of water running down a path.  The water knows its path and if obstacles appear there might be a bit of turbulence however the water will find its path once again. 

I don't believe we are completely predestined, however, I do believe your true course resides within.  When you discover or stumble on your life’s path, you will find help in all the right places.
Everything in this world is ready to set you straight however you have to understand that most likely your path is not the easiest option.   

Every now and then I run into someone that finally figures out, its time to ring their bell.  It is a wonderful thing to witness. 

You see when passion kicks in and confidence jumps on board the world and all of us get to witness another miracle. 

So many people seek happiness through asset accumulation and job status and end up working on the wrong agenda.  The results in the end will indicate if you were following someone else’s path or your own.

Gauge your life by your smiles and those that smile around you!
This season offers us so many gifts, it is my wish that you get the chance to ring your bell and let us all enjoy the sound of it!


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Shift Happens!

And when it does, take advantage of the new view! 

Years ago a good friend running a large nonprofit decided to make some big changes.   Change always excites some and troubles others.   When confronted by numerous inquiries, his response; “shift happens!” 

Perhaps not the best response however I loved the simplicity of the statement.  Life constantly puts us at crossroads.  Some turns are easier than others.   A great deal of us simply stay the course, to intimidated or cautious to take the road less travelled.  

Sometimes it is us that make the shift and defending that shift requires strength and tenacity.  Sometimes it is others that make a shift that require us to go along or resist. 

Is it time for you to make a shift?  It is for me, and I am excited about it.  When I follow a new path it starts out a bit uncomfortable however persistence always helps me prevail.  That is, when I have made the right decision.   I have made plenty of poor decisions and because of that I have learned “reverse.”

When shift happens to you, consider how it may impact you and decide the course you will take.  The world will let you know if the shift is working for you.  Be careful that your shift doesn’t harm others since it is no fun to clean up someone else’s shift! 

It is my opinion that there are new opportunities presented to most of us quite often.   The seekers of those opportunities are the ones that will pay attention when the time comes.  You see, if you are not interested in new things then most likely you will not attract them or realize they exist.

It’s kind of like exercising a muscle, the more you work at it the fitter you become.  Taking on new challenges and making them work require true fitness of the spirit.  When your spirit is fit you project to others a sense of optimism and opportunity.    

When “shift happens” to you, take time to enjoy it and seek internal wisdom that will allow you to understand whether or not it is time for you to take a good shift! 


Sunday, December 1, 2013

You can't handle the truth!

…and neither can I.  

Almost everyone remembers Colonel Jessup’s comments in the movie A Few Good Men.    

How about you, can you handle the truth?

The truth quite frankly is a powerful concept that carries a lot of weight.  When confronted by truth many people will question its authenticity.  Sometimes you simply know when you hear it, this is the truth. 
Certain people seem to always speak the truth or you believe and hope that they do!

The truth can put you on the defensive or put you on the right side!  It shows no favoritism, it simply exists as a keel in the water keeping us on course.

This week I heard the phrase used once again in some silly parody on TV.  “You can’t handle the truth.”  At my age I have learned some “truths” and attempt to share them daily with my son.  I am confident he knows that there is some truth in what I have to say however how he continues to make choices that don’t reflect it.

A good friend of mine tells me that if I use smaller plates I would eat less!  I know this is the truth; however I am confident that it does not apply to me! 

Now I can agree with some truths like the sun always rises in the east and you can’t stop time.  I have some issues with global warming and certain things that may cause cancer.  They might be true however I don’t have the time or the inclination to verify it.

Sometimes the truth is better not known.  What if someone could tell you when the world would end?  How about when you are gonna die?  Truths can alter your life and your actions.

What do you believe in?  Do you believe in Santa Clause?  When you learn the truth Christmas takes on a new meaning!  What was once true is no longer.

The truth is a hard thing to handle and I know there are times when I don’t handle it well enough. 

I prefer to know that truth is available and I will simply take it in doses as it serves me.  It is kind of like the law of allowing!  I will use the truth when it benefits me and seek it when I go off course. 

It would be nice to have access to a truth serum or a book that had all truths contained inside.  What would you use it for? 

I have a friend that knows things that most people simply don’t.  She has gifts/abilties that she didn’t ask for.   These abilities plague her with truths that most people don’t have access to.  She once asked me point blank do I want to know how my life works out? I thought about and smiled a bit and then said no!  I preferred to bath in my own truth and not let the truth known by others to affect how I might lead my life.  I have to admit it was both scary and provocative. 

May the truth be with you!


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Live life like a river not a reservoir!

Which do you prefer?  I have used this quote more than once and I just heard it again on a John Maxwell update.  It simply resonates with me.

Running a nonprofit you discuss cash flow projections on a daily basis.  When account balances get low its “chicken little time.” Let's apply the brakes!
Why would people invest in your vision unless they can see your impact on an ongoing basis?
Its a dance that I enjoy.

I often ask my board members the question…if someone gave us one million dollars what would we do with the money?  What a provocative question! 

There are always the ones that want to put it in the bank and earn interest and it’s hard to argue with that.  For me, I would invest it in our community.  Let it go!  There is a whole lot more where that came from.

If you live your life or run your business as a river your life flows and always finds new places to explore.  There is abundance in front of you and all around you.  Obstacles can cause your flow to be altered, however rarely stopped!

A reservoir stays in one place and stagnates.  Yes it is safe and secure, however not a place I was destined to function in.

I often refer to the analogy “if your cup is too full, how can you get more, unless you pour some out!   
If abundance comes your way in any form share it and enjoy returns on that investment every day.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

5 steps forward and 5 steps back

Nothings feel better than making progress.   You catch yourself saying, this simply can’t last and you are right!  

If it did, nobody could live with you!

I think humility is a part of life and everything has balance.   You can’t always succeed without learning a few lessons.  The next time, you go a little farther! 

Quite a few years ago I was on a run listening to music laced in with some inspirational passages I have recorded over the years and I heard this. 

In life, you take 5 steps forward and then 5 steps back and then 5 steps forward and then 5 steps back and then 5 steps forward and then 4½ steps back,  oh yeah!

I thought about it for the rest of my run and realized how much truth was there.  Life has so many small steps and most of them are either forward or back and that is how life works.

If you never fail at anything you never learn.  Winning makes you soft losing makes you tough!

Persistence is what gets you further simply because you fail more and learn more!

You tend to celebrate the forward motion however what do you do when life backs you up?

I have decided to pay attention and learn the best I can about what is being taught!  Better yet, if I am aware of the way the world works, I am better suited to deal with its reality!

I will continue to enjoy my life of continuous motion and celebrate all of the movements, how ‘bout you?


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Giving Season

One of the assets of living in Virginia Beach is the four distinct seasons.  As we get well into the fall, the “giving season” starts, my personal favorite!

The Noblemen are preparing to distribute over 300 toy boxes to local businesses in Hampton Roads.  The coolest part, it gets people thinking about giving!   

One of the reasons I do what I do is the witnessing of seeing lives changed by giving.  Not the receivers but the givers get the true gift.  Part of the magic of the universe!

Every day until Christmas I will be having conversations with so many folks on both sides of the fence.  Those that need us and those that are gonna make it happen.  Who do you think at the end of it all enjoys it the most?

In 1995 I started a Trolley ride with the Robin Hoods of Virginia Beach.  (now known as The Noblemen) We made a decision to spend a part of our Christmas visiting families facing their last Christmas with their son or daughter.  These were families in hospice care through Edmarc, a local hospice for kids.

We all knew what we had to do that night and it was amazing what happened.  We all received our Christmas present.  I feel, because of that night, The Noblemen are who we are today!

On Tuesday Pete Hansen and I will load up our toy trailers and start the process of delivering toy boxes to people and businesses that embrace the opportunity to give back to local kids.  We will have hundreds and hundreds of conversations and share stories about our “giving season.”

As we get closer to Christmas we gather thousands of gifts and along with our families and membership we create Christmas for local families in need.  It is a privilege to undertake simply because we are capable to handle the task. 

There will always be people in need and people that need to understand the blessings offered to those that give!

My invitation to all of you is this…join us this "giving season" or find your path and enjoy the return on investment for giving. 



Sunday, November 3, 2013

Dont grow a wishbone where a backbone should be!

How many times do you hear the words I wish?  I would rather hear the words, I will.

So many people go through their lives wishing and not doing!   I will has so much more power attached to it whereas I wish does not. 

I will places you on the adventure, you simply have to decide when!  It informs you and everyone else that you are ready to take action and you are not interested in maybe.
Consider hearing the words...I wish I could quit smoking vs. I will quit smoking.  I wish I could ride a motorcycle across the country or I will ride a get the drift!

Where does the power lie? 

I have learned that there is much wisdom available to all of us however it is not always easy to receive it.  Making a decision allows the view to change and a good decision allows the wisdom to flow your way.

Our lives grow shorter every day and I choose to enjoy mine doing instead of wishing.  How about you?

I pay attention to people in my life and I always admire those that take the risks and go on adventures.   If you are a fan of Facebook, I ask you?  Who gets all of the likes?  The answer, those that do the cool stuff!   Everyone wishes they were doing cool things too! 

I have learned the world rewards those that are on the right path; however if it were an easy path everyone would be on theirs!   How many people do you know that are on the right path? 

Finding your path is one step, pursuing your path requires a backbone.  A strong backbone is simply a gift in this world, one that you can give yourself.  The added benefit…everyone else around you benefits as well.  How awesome is that?

What are you wishing for that you should be doing?  

Today is a good day to start!


Note:  The quote “Don’t grow a wishbone where a backbone should be” came from Clementine Paddleford, an American food writer active from the 1920s through the 1960s.

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Power of Then!

If you have not read Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now do yourself a favor and read it.  It truly allows you to discover the power of being “present” in a busy world. 

As I stroll through my mid-fifties I have now discovered the “power of then.”  Two interesting things have come across my radar screen recently.  1. A chance encounter in my college day’s lead to a wonderful award I received 35 years later.   2. Facebook has allowed me to connect with kids that I taught in Sunday school who are now having their own kids.  You never think you have made an impact and then Bam!  You find out that you did!

My point is this, what you do today are the seeds of life that will yield fruit for potentially a very long time. 

Living a life and understanding your impact on others is truly exciting.  The acts of kindness and paying attention to the needs of those around you can right wrongs and change lives forever. 

What may seem to you as a simple moment possibly has the power to transform a life.  Decades later you may then discover the Power of Then! 

Everyone leaves footprints in the sand that wash away with the next wave however some footprints will never go away.  Hopefully yours from time to time carried someone else’s burdens.  It will only make you a stronger person when you discover how to help others.

Today my wish for you is to understand the power you have in others’ lives.  Consider the return on investment you will enjoy later on in your life as you consume the fruit of your seeds that you planted today!


Sunday, October 20, 2013

More than One!

Back in 1995 I founded the Robin Hoods of Va. Beach.  I had an idea that inspired me to convince others to do something, however, strangely enough I was not sure what it was!  From that point on…I relied on others for feedback, synergy, and friendship.

It takes “more than one” to do great things and yesterday it was proved once again.  In 2004 I received a call from the Burpenfartzen Brothers proposing a partnership to celebrate Oktoberfest together with our friends.  I had no idea where this partnership would lead however I was “in” from the start.

What started as “One” is now so much more!  Thriving on inspiration, fun and good deeds, our lives are celebrated daily just knowing the impact we have made on so many! 

We don’t ask people to join our ranks; we are asked by them, how to join us! 

Surely everyone remembers the movie Field of Dreams, when Kevin Costner is told “If you build it he will come.” 

For me it was more like “if you start it they will come” and they have!

For everyone that reads this blog I want to say "Thank you" for allowing me to live my life in a Field of Dreams!


Sunday, October 13, 2013

I've got your back!

“What wonderful words to hear from someone”   Especially when you know that person actually does!  

Cool adventures and life changing moments typically occur when you take risks.  Making the decision to change a comfortable course in life requires guts.  After guts, a whole of determination, persistence and commitment to yield results! 

As I have learned there are many “border guards” in your life that claim to have your best interest in mind when they discourage you from leaping forward and trying new things . 

It is my belief that everyone has an internal compass that guides them through life.  The interesting thing about this compass is that it only “shows” the way, yet doesn’t require you follow its desired course. 

Also, not everyone knows how to read a compass.   You don’t learn how to use it in school; if anything school sometimes prevents its usage.   

Reading your compass requires meditation and quieting the outside noise in your life.  As your skills increase the path becomes clearer and you are able to defend your new course in life.   

I mentioned earlier that often time’s friends and family persuade you to alter your true course as they are not able to read your compass.

And then a supporter jumps on your path and lets you know that your choice is “true north” and clearly demonstrates “I’ve got your back.” 

Here is another benefit to this lesson!

 Do you know of someone close to you that appears to be following their compass and perhaps not the path that others would support? 

Consider offering your support and expressing enthusiasm about their new course. 

Trust me, it gets lonely pursuing dreams and the thought of someone expressing “I’ve got your back” is like honeydew vine water!

The point is…both of you will enjoy the magic that the new course offers!  There is truly a return on investment when you help and support others. 

Who do you know that has recently found their compass? 

Go get their back and enjoy the ride alongside!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Lessons learned living on a farm!

There are a lot of life’s lessons to be learned on a farm.  Here are some of mine!

Wait for the dragonflies! 

My first spring on our farm I was introduced to the biting fly!  We have a long driveway with pine trees on either side and that’s where they wait to dine!  When the dragon flies appear the bad flies disappear.  Nothing cooler that a dragonfly.  I love the way they fly and most important the way they eat!   So remember when life sends you biting flies, just wait and the dragonflies will be here soon!

Love of an animal

When I come home I am first greeted by my dog Marlin, a black lab with the best grin on his face you have ever seen!   Hard to have a bad day when you own a good dog! 

And then there are the horses…1000 pounds of I understand you!  It is never good to share your bad day with a horse.  Like the rest of us, leave your attitude someplace else, horses or people don’t want your company if you are having a bad day.  Hard not to love a horse however there are a few I like better than others!

Barn cats greet me every morning looking for a free meal.  I have grown to love our cats, truly great hunters and always proud to show you their recent kills. 

Critters that I don’t feed

As I write this I can hear an owl outside my window.  On many occasions herds of deer greet me as they venture north at our water’s edge.  Possums compete for the cat food at night and rarely a day goes by in the summer where a snake doesn’t say hello.  I always like to see them before they see me and ya gotta love an obnoxious crawdad!

Patience and balance are life’s great lessons learned on a farm.  Everything has greater meaning and impact from rain to wind.  For every mended fence and replaced roof there are new porticos and out buildings.  There is always something to fix and the opportunity to fix you!

If someone told me years ago I would be living on a farm I most likely would have simply laughed!  I I am now grateful to have had the experience and a better person because of it. 


Sunday, September 15, 2013


What exactly is opportunity?  A very provocative question, and I love a provocative question.  Why, because its a question not answered easily.  It provokes the need to be mindful.

I talk to people often about pursuing opportunities; it’s a great topic that can lead to great things.

Recently I watched a speech made by Ashton Kucher at the Teen Choice Awards.  He spoke of three things, Opportunity, Being Sexy, and Living Your Life. 

“Opportunity looks a lot like hard work” I love this quote simply because it states a fact.  I am often envious of other people's successes until I get to know more about how they got there!  The people that fascinate me have dedicated years and their life to a passion that others may simply see as “opportunity”.  “They must of have been at the right place at the right time”

If you want to uncover wonderful opportunities then pursue wonderful things!  Be cautious of your motives and agenda.  It is not a short path; it is more like the Appalachian Trail.  Your original opportunity will most likely evolve to something much more wonderful. 

Understand you will often get what you desire, be it good or bad.  You will attract what you think about the most.  Persistent and consistent patterns tend to yield the best results over time. 

Kucher also mentioned being “sexy” was much more about being smart, kind and thoughtful.  Smart people are the sexiest people in the world!

Lastly he talked about “Living” and how most people tend to live in other people’s worlds and those worlds were created by people no smarter than us.  He encouraged the audience to create their own world and let others live in it!  Not bad advice!

What opportunities are YOU pursuing?


Sunday, September 8, 2013

“Heroes” Here are some of mine!

People admire and worship people for many different reasons.  Some people’s heroes are fictional and others real life.  Some from the past and some present day. 

Most of my heroes are local.  It makes it easy to respect them and help them do what they do in life.  One definition from Wikipedia that applies for my definition of a hero is as follows…

A hero is often simply an ordinary person in extraordinary circumstances, who, despite the odds being stacked against him or her, typically prevails in the end.  And I may add, perhaps not!

I admire tenacity and focus as well as persistence and clarity.  An example would be Melodie Walenius, a mother that The Noblemen helped many years ago on one of our Trolley Rides.  To this day she continues her efforts to fight the fight for her daughter Zoe and others fighting OMS, a debilitating disease that affects the immune system.  She never gives up and inspires me daily!

I had the privilege of meeting a retired Army Colonel that offers his body to science in order to learn more about the chemical agents that devastated him in while he was defending our country.

What did he want from me?  Simply to help him help our local favorite surfer, Pete Smith, another one of my heroes that continues to be “stoked” on surfing to this day!

Mike Worrell spent hours with me prior to his death working on bringing back the Worrell 1000, probably the coolest contest for small catamarans in the world.  Mike shared with me his life of building cool local hang out spots from the Tiki to Worrell Brothers in Virginia Beach.  He had real passion for a lot of things and I will miss him being a part of our community.

Bill and Kathy Magee that founded Operation Smile are two more of my favorites.   Imagine possessing the ability to lift a bag off of the head of a small child and give them a life not encumbered with a severe facial deformity.  All for a donation of a little over $200, amazing!

Who are your heroes?  What do you think qualifies? 

I like it much better when I can simply go visit my heroes and let them know what a great job they are doing while they inspire others to do the same!


Sunday, August 25, 2013

"Normal People” are simply people you don’t know well!

I have this bad habit of comparing myself to others.   I envy other people’s lives from time to time. 
How about you?

Be careful when you judge a person’s life by a snapshot.  There is a whole lot you never see!

I consider everyone’s life is like a big pie.  You have pieces that are larger than others however in the end you still have only one pie to work with.  If you get a big piece of the “smart” you may get less of another.  It all balances out in the end.

I often talk about the “law of allowing” be careful what you allow in your life to annoy you.  That includes envy.  It is really your decision.

I wrote a blog a few months back titled “Magic in the Middle”.  It deals with getting comfortable in your own skin.  So many of us are simply living our lives and doing our best to maintain a smile. 

I consider a smile to be a gift to me each day, a return on investment of good thinking or action!

I want to be happy and I want my friends and family to be happy as well. 

Sometimes it’s hard to be happy when you are trying to be someone else!  Keep in mind that if you are always striving you are never arriving!

Celebrate your life today and keep a smile on your face!


Sunday, August 18, 2013

You can’t change the wake of your boat

It can however be ridden and enjoyed to extreme levels! 

So many people live in their past dwelling on what they used to be or upset with the way their lives have been lived!  

Consider your life as a speedboat and wherever you have steered that boat you have left a trail or a wake that is behind you!  It cannot be changed; your trail is marked with your deeds and actions.  After a while they will slowly go away and end up on some shore. 

As Captain of your boat, it is up to you to steer it in the direction of your desired course in life.  In every instance you leave a past that should be kept there.  It can always be remembered and cherished or simply forgotten.   

The wonder of it all; it is up to you to choose!  Some people will go out and buy a map and chart a course or follow one that others have set forth for them while others will simply drift! 
My favorite will lick their finger stick it up in the wind and decide then and there where life will lead them today!

The benefit of leading an exciting life is the wake of your boat is always fun to play on.  Your past is appreciated and celebrated and easy to visit since you left such a magnificent trail!

I recently stepped back into a past chapter in my life.  Managers that use to work with me at WaterFurnace International came to visit and talk about old times.   I truly enjoyed hearing the stories of cool adventures and profitable times in business.  We all appreciated how we steered our boats back then and were proud of the wake we left!

The other benefit of this analogy involves the understanding that there is always a new course that leads to a new day and a new life!  A life that you create with your new path.  That new path leaves a new trail to be remembered and appreciated. 

Where are you steering your boat today?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Why I Ride a Motorcycle

I guess it started with horses.  As a kid most of my cousins were taking riding lessons from Great Neck Stables or Princess Anne Stables, both run by Aunts of mine.   That was until I was introduced to a neighbor’s mini bike.  I never stopped desiring to go for a ride after taking my first!

As I grew so did the size of my motorcycles. 
I was working a trade show in Central Va.  in the mid 90's for WaterFurnace Intl and was introduced to a Yamaha V-Max, about the “baddest”  thing you have ever seen on two wheels.  For two days I watched this thing spin around on a display table while On Any Sunday (the movie) was playing in the back ground.   
I made a bet with my VP and later owned that bike! 


Another reason I own a motorcycle is that I like to give back and there is always a ride available to help something or someone.  Yesterday I rode in the Extortion Memorial Ride dedicated to the memory of 30 active duty military and 1 military working dog killed in action on August 6, 2011. Extortion 17 was the CH-47 helicopter shot down by enemy fire in Afghanistan. 
It doesn’t get much better.  The road was filled with friends and neighbors waving flags and posters.  Everyone was "plugged in" to the reason we were there and the money flowed in like honey dew vine water!

I now own a 1996 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail Nostalgia that I won in a raffle on a local ride by the Kiwanis to support CHKD.  The winning ticket was sold to me by Morris Long at a Robin Hood meeting (now The Noblemen) many years ago.

I guess you can see I was just destined to own and ride a motorcycle.

So I will continue to ride and use it as a vehicle to help local causes with my "Noble Riders" and friends keeping a smile on my face with a bug or two between my teeth! 


Sunday, July 21, 2013 happened to me again!

Are you fortunate enough to know when that “right moment” appears in your life? 

Many years ago I was fortunate to learn how to “pay attention” to the wonderful moments that life offers you as a gift!  It is never timed or planned, it just dawns on ya that you ought to pay attention to something you just saw, heard or experienced. 

The reason, it’s time to take a step!

If you pray, how do you determine if and when prayers are answered?  How does that appear in your life? 

If you set goals…is it your ego that drives them or something grander?

For me, I pay attention and don’t ask for a thing.  The reason, I usually get it wrong! 

Every now and then something simply happens and it makes me say hmmmm!  I give the experience a great deal of thought and share it amongst my friends.  It like planting a seed, great moments offer wonderful life enhancements and put you on your path that you were meant to be on. 

If you are fortunate enough to answer yes to the question…today, are you doing what you feel you were placed on this earth to do?   Very provocative indeed! 

What inspired me today?  Eric Whitacre, a composer that reaches thousands of singers who perform virtually to music that he conducts via Skype or You Tube.  All of the segments are then placed in a format that simply will blow you mind.  He has performed at least three times @ TED Talks Ideas worth spreading. 

Just imagine an idea powerful enough to inspire 6000 people to pay attention and participate on the idea as it is being developed.  Consider the power of thousands of people like minded focused on a particular outcome, priceless! 

Consider me inspired! 


Sunday, July 7, 2013

It's not the Destination...It's the Ride

Often times I rush to get things done or get somewhere faster.  I seldom take time to slow down and smell the roses.  The issue here for me is once I accomplish something new or get somewhere I was intending to go, I now have to start something else! 

It’s like finishing a good book….reading the chapters one by one and enjoying the message is the good stuff….finishing it, is an accomplishment but also a letdown.   Now I have to find a new book to read!

After reading the Celestine Prophecy so many years ago and then again recently, it taught me to “pay attention” to everything around me.  Learn to appreciate that there is life in everything and we play an integral role in it all. 

On my bike rides and runs I “intend” to experience a connection or discover an opportunity to figure something out!  When the ride is over, it’s time to do something else and live another moment longer.  I constantly have to remind myself to breathe and enjoy every moment and treat it as a gift! 

How many times do you simply want to get to the end of a day and start over?  I catch myself doing or participating in mundane things simply to make time go by. 

Such a waste of a segment of your life!

I would also point out that joy resides in the ability to make a decision, a decision that will take you down a new path and lead you to a better life.   Stopping smoking, moving, new jobs, losing weight, new relationships are all those kind of decisions.   

These decisions put you on a new path.  You cannot enjoy the path if you don’t take the first step down it.  The first step is making the decision and the next is living with it!  The reality of that new moment and the moments after is what it’s all about. 

A good friend’s advice in 2006 was “Leap, build your wings on the way”.   You don’t get the chance to enjoy a new view unless you leap first!  

You see there are some things that you cannot figure out with your mind and plan for.  Big new adventures take courage.  After taking the leap, a new reality emerges and it’s that new ride that you enjoy, not the eventual destination!

What “leap” have you been pondering?  It’s time to take a Ride! 


Sunday, June 30, 2013


What if you created a life that you have no reason to vacate from?  When people talk about a taking a vacation they often reference how tough their life has been lately and how bad they need a vacation!

I have never been a big vacation guy.  I would rather say it’s time to go on an adventure.  An adventure seems to spark from a conversation and you build on it until it’s time to put the plan in motion!    One is more predictable than the other!

Don’t get me wrong I applaud those people that enjoy their periodic vacations.  As a result of Facebook we all get to see friends and families on their vacations.  For some of us it is really difficult to “unplug” from one life to go to another! 

I have friends that seem to live their life making a vacation for others!  Their life is creating the platform for others to get away from their "work a day" world.  Not a bad concept!

Consider this…if you get the feeling you need a vacation, give some thoughts as to why you need it?  Make some adjustments and find ways to “get away” even if it is in a chair, a quiet place, and some time to relax.

To the rest of you…enjoy your summer and I hope your life is filled with awesome adventures and one that doesn’t need to be vacated from!


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Are you a Leader or a Boss?

How do you exercise your authority?  Do people that work for you have a choice?   If you are military, how tough is it to demonstrate leadership knowing your support has to follow orders? If you run a company, is it your way or the highway?

I recently wrote a blog about volunteering.  In the nonprofit world you better learn to inspire since the people that you are leading are not relying on you for a job!

I am confident that scenarios exists that require people to follow orders or bad things can happen.  I also know there are quite a few folks out there that require a title or else no one would pay any attention to them!

I truly enjoy the inspirational route.  The skills are not easily mastered however knowing that your world exists because of a collective of like-minded folks is truly an interesting scenario!  People are on your team simply because you offer a return on investment that goes beyond financial rewards. 

What is your scenario?  Do you have people that you pay to work for you?  If you did not pay them, would they show up tomorrow?

Consider offering something up to the world that inspires others to give unselfishly!  There are simply platforms out there that need heroes to take care of.  I love to meet new folks that discover the reason they were put on this earth.  People like that are hard to stop and easy to get behind!


Monday, June 17, 2013


Well, its early morning and once again I need to consider spending an hour or more doing some sort of exercise!  I am driven by guilt and the knowledge that it brings results.   That doesn’t necessarily motivate me to do it though!

I have friends that can’t wait to carve out a free hour to either bike, run, or go to the gym.  I am fortunate that I am an early riser and find that it is really the best time for me to work out.  Motivation is my issue!  I simply don’t get the “high” from exercise, how about you?

Don’t get me wrong, I love the results and strongly believe it is something I need to do however I can find plenty of options that keep me from it!

As well as six options to get it done.

Living near the water I can SUP, kayak, surf, bike ride (road or mountain) or run!  Of course weather plays a role along with what I did the day/s before.  You would think I would never go to work with all of these cool things to do! 

Still there are so many days I avoid them all.  I consider it a “task” when I should be thankful that I can still get it done.

I am grateful it is summer and the weather is now conducive to all my options.  I think I will run today since it requires the least amount of setup, takes the least amount of time and delivers good results.

How about you?  Do you exercise at least 4 times a week?  What is your excuse? 

I have never considered myself as athlete.  I was the last picked in school for almost any athletic opportunity.  I have to admit, I was partially damaged goods and it hurt not to be chosen or wanted.  As I grew older I learned to skateboard and surf.  I could do this alone and it did not require permission or participation from others.   Slowly I regained my confidence and enjoyed exercising through cool activities.

Today I combine my exercise with things that give back.  Running and biking on the roads in Back Bay gives me sights and sounds of all kinds of unique and cool critters.  There are many days I stop to give a turtle a safe crossing and “me” a break.    When the weather permits, I paddle, sometimes on a kayak other times on a stand up paddle board.  I launch in Back Bay, the water is calm, flat and beautiful.  Once in a great while there are waves and it’s off to Sandbridge with the longboard or the SUP. 

…or I can keep writing this blog and avoid the sweat and the labor!


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Problems or just opportunities?

When I am in the midst of a big problem, I often stop for a moment and ponder whether or not this could be a teachable moment.  It can simply be the time to learn how to deal with this sort of thing.  Remove the drama and look deeper into why this is happening.

If you already knew how to deal with this situation it would never become a problem!   

Many years ago I was a newly licensed Realtor ready to take on the world.   I had drive and enthusiasm however lacking in experience.  As problems arose in my early deals I sat down with my Broker at the time, Larry Sancilio.  He simply stopped me in my tracks and stated “there are no such things as problems only opportunities for progress.”  I can assure you at the time I was convinced they were problems! 

I was told this so many times before I accepted it as a life lesson.  A great one to learn!

I thought about Mr. Sancilio a few years back when I fell through my roof at my farm while replacing a chimney cap.  As I soiled my pants, I realized that my view from the angle I was dangling from was awesome.  I decided to add a small third story loft since I had to sheath the roof anyway.  That’s the spot where I wrote my book, Normal to Noble.   Lemonade from lemons!

My greatest example occurred on May 4th, 1993 when the Doctor told me to abort the mistake that was occurring in my wife’s womb.  I decided to “let it ride.”  And today I plan on going to the movies with that mistake!

Consider this; a problem occurs like the wake of a boat.  It has already happened, the wake is behind you and you can’t change it.  You can of course change the way to steer the boat and create a new wake. 

The next time you have a problem, take a moment and consider allowing it to be an opportunity for progress.  It may be something that changes your life forever. 

You have a choice to be upset and resentful, and then the opportunity to share that with your family and friends… or NOT!
