Sunday, July 21, 2013 happened to me again!

Are you fortunate enough to know when that “right moment” appears in your life? 

Many years ago I was fortunate to learn how to “pay attention” to the wonderful moments that life offers you as a gift!  It is never timed or planned, it just dawns on ya that you ought to pay attention to something you just saw, heard or experienced. 

The reason, it’s time to take a step!

If you pray, how do you determine if and when prayers are answered?  How does that appear in your life? 

If you set goals…is it your ego that drives them or something grander?

For me, I pay attention and don’t ask for a thing.  The reason, I usually get it wrong! 

Every now and then something simply happens and it makes me say hmmmm!  I give the experience a great deal of thought and share it amongst my friends.  It like planting a seed, great moments offer wonderful life enhancements and put you on your path that you were meant to be on. 

If you are fortunate enough to answer yes to the question…today, are you doing what you feel you were placed on this earth to do?   Very provocative indeed! 

What inspired me today?  Eric Whitacre, a composer that reaches thousands of singers who perform virtually to music that he conducts via Skype or You Tube.  All of the segments are then placed in a format that simply will blow you mind.  He has performed at least three times @ TED Talks Ideas worth spreading. 

Just imagine an idea powerful enough to inspire 6000 people to pay attention and participate on the idea as it is being developed.  Consider the power of thousands of people like minded focused on a particular outcome, priceless! 

Consider me inspired! 


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