Monday, April 29, 2013


Have you ever attended a funeral and you just wished it could have been more of a celebration?

I have attended a few funerals in my day and rarely do I feel that a lifetime is summed up properly. 

I love the moments of reflections from families and friends. 

I love to hear the songs that defined the person’s life. 

I enjoy the pictures and videos made to celebrate a life.

Perhaps there is a way to change the old traditions. ..Garth Brooks sings about the “dash” which represents the space on your tombstone.   1957 - ????  How is your dash coming along?

Consider planning a celebration of your “dash”; involve your friends and family before someone else makes those decisions for you!  

It is my opinion a funeral (not sure I would still call it that) should take place wherever the person wants to have it.  A field, farm, beach, restaurant or concert hall.

Put a person in charge that you know can get it done the way you want it.
If you are a religious person by all means involve your church and clergy.  If not, then celebrate the way you lived your life.  Be authenic! 

Create a folder and start planning now, the reflection will be healthy and inspiring!

Many years ago I attended the funerals of Bob Wareing and his Dad John Wareing (Wareings Gym).  I laughed; I cried and enjoyed celebrating two men that lead impactful lives.  We gathered at the VB Convention Center.  I’m not sure there was a minister present however there were many prayers given and it was truly a most memorable event.  Simply deserved a “well done” from me!

Chris Shaughnessy just pasted away, a good friend and accomplished Realtor.  His buddy got up in church and asked if everyone would turn their cell phones ON, Chris would not want anyone to miss a deal at his funeral.  That was cool, made me smile and think of my good friend Chris.

Several of my friends have committed to allowing me to plan their celebration of their passing, providing I don’t go first!  What an extreme honor for me!

I don’t know about you guys; I plan to go out big!  Go Big of Go Home!

And no guilt!


  1. Very good read! I was definitely able to put the "fun" in my daddy's funeral! It is supposed to be a celebration.

  2. Thanks Leslie, I bet it was a celebration!
