It’s already started…
the commercials, Facebook posts, the gym ads and promises to lose 10 lbs in a
How ‘bout you? Is this your year? Will it be different that the previous 50? (less or more)
True changes are
rare and typically require a life changing moment i.e. heart attack, divorce,
marriage, or rock bottom!
Pick one or add one!
Here are the stats...
1) About 8% of people are successful in achieving their new years resolutions
2) 25% of those who make them don’t even make it past the first week
3) 34% of those resolutions are related to money
It is however
fun to think about change and I think it is wonderful to watch someone else “step
up” and “go big.”
As I approach 2015
I am considering these things…
Am I happy? Is my family happy? (in that order) What resources are needed to
improve on those first two goals?
Earn the right every day to continue to
lead The Noblemen and step away when I don’t!
Pay my bills or readjust my priorities.
Live healthy today and do my best to achieve
it tomorrow.
Be thankful for my blessings and pay them
forward whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Celebrate the connection to divinity and
continue to “pay attention” for inspiration.
Dream Big!
My best to all
of you and may you continue to enjoy your path in life.
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