Sunday, November 20, 2016

3 Life Lessons I Live By!

#1  Law of Attraction - Put simply, you attract what you think about.  There has been many books written about this subject, however, in principle it's simply common sense. Everything from your attitude, interests, the car you drive to what you do for a living.

If you purchase a new car, your eyes are attracted to every car on the road like yours.  If you have something to complain about, you surround yourself with like minded folks that need to wallow in the same sort of misery! 

The benefit of knowing this, can work in your favor.  Learn to attract good friends, positive attitudes and great health.  It's up to you! 

#2  Art of Allowing - Everyday there is input all around.  You are bombarded by family, work and media.  You own the decision to allow in and what you don't.  

Example - My son would leave a half eaten sandwich or some sort of mess on the kitchen counter. Every time I would walk by I would own that sandwich.  Upset that he wouldn't come back and put his mess away.  All the while he was enjoying his day and that sandwich was no where in his thoughts.  Solution...clean the damn counter and remove that from your life.  It's up to you to allow anything into your life.  Stupid comments, dumb ass people, and bad habits.  Only allow the stuff that brings you happiness and prosperity, or not!  Your choice! 

#3  Deliberate Creation - If you have something in your heart or a passion for a particular subject, you can simply manifest that desire.  

In 1995 I had the notion to repay the debt of my son's life and the community that made me whole.  I had no background or experience to create a platform of philanthropy, however I did have a strong desire.  For the next 20 years plus I dedicated my life to doing just that. The life and a few others were impacted beyond anyone's expectations. A gift I will cherish for the rest of my life!

I learned these life lessons when I read the book, Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks.  Just a heads up, you may not agree with their sources however the message is quite powerful.  I'm grateful for their wisdom as well as their teachings from Abraham.

I hope all of you enjoy your Thanksgiving  and remember to be thankful for all of the things that got you here! 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm pretty sure you have impacted more than just a few lives deeply Al. It's at least a few hundred if not a few thousand. Thanks for letting me be one of them. You have taught many of us lessons that have already been passed on to the next generation. My children know that Christmas Eve is a special day because they get to give toys to other children who may not have much. Our children, our kids children, and future generations will continue the mission that you started 20+ years ago Al. Thanks for being a leader for such an important part of all of our lives!

    1. Thanks my friend for taking the time to respond. It means a lot to me! It's been an honor as well as an adventure!
