Sunday, August 21, 2016

Whoa, I didn't think I would make it this far, and other difficulties!

My father passed away at age 59 and all his brothers and sister, my uncles and aunt, have now joined him!  This month I will turn 59. 

Trust me I am no pessimist and most would say my glass is always half full.  It just never leaves my mind that my future is uncertain at best.

Last week I was faced with the reality if changes were not made The Noblemen would not make it till the end of the year without suffering significantly!

Wow which one of us will die first?

Perhaps it’s time for some good ole reality therapy!

I woke up this morning and plan to do the same for the immediate future!

Last week I met with my board and made the decision to close down our office at the beach and ask staff to now volunteer!  

I remember writing a blog a while back describing growth as 5 steps forward, 5 steps back, 5 steps forward, 5 steps back, 5 steps forward, 4.5 steps back – Yay!

I recently attended the Global Leadership Conference held at Spring Branch.  John Maxwell spoke to me when he referred to all growth as a “climb.”  You never get to somewhere great and look back and say “I wonder how I got here!”

I look forward to next steps and invite all of you to evaluate your current scenario.  Pain and discomfort are “no fun” as motivators.  They do work however!  Your choice!

Today I celebrate a wife that I love and loves me back!  A son that I love and gives me a reason to do what I do.  A dog that loves me more than life itself!  A career that clearly impacts my life as well as a few others!

WTF do I have to complain about!

Today is a great day and I look forward to tomorrow!



  1. Wisdom is the Principle Thing. Very wise decision.Keeping your Motives Pure and Genuine.

  2. You inspire and motivate many...your reach is immeasurable. Thank you for your continued focus your drive and your friendship. Many have benefited from your work and many more will

    1. Kind words my friend and thanks so much for your support and friendship! It means more than you know!

  3. You inspire and motivate many...your reach is immeasurable. Thank you for your continued focus your drive and your friendship. Many have benefited from your work and many more will

  4. Thank you for everything you do for the kids and the community.

    1. You are welcome and thanks for paying attention!

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