Sunday, October 23, 2016

I love a good wave!

One thing that sets me a part from others is my love for riding motorcycles. For almost as long as I have been riding bikes I have also had one with a motor on it!

While riding when you pass a fellow biker a "biker's wave" is typically exchanged, and I got to say it's simply cool!

There is a certain brotherhood and sisterhood in riding motorcycles and this is clearly demonstrated every time I ride when I get the opportunity to wave at a fellow biker!

It's never elaborate, just a simple acknowledgement to a fellow rider!

When I attended Ferrum College a few years back in western part of Virginia, it was simply bad manners not to wave to just about everyone you saw.  When I got home I missed that!  There is a difference in rural folks and city folks.  ...and I have to say I prefer the first!

The best of me was constructed by people in my life.  It has been a long ride down many roads, lanes,streets and intersections.

As luck would have it I get to venture down new roads as I move forward in my next career.  I look forward to new adventures and meeting new folks!

I will remember to "wave" and look forward to greats folks that return the favor.


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