Sunday, October 30, 2016


There are many great virtues to admire in people, however I think my favorite is "persistence."

Life is just gonna throw some lemons your way, it's simply part of what gives balance to almost everyone.  When the valleys enter your life, the peaks often feel miles away.

I've watched my son Matt struggle with so many challenges, from starting out life given only a 2% chance of living.   Middle school almost did him in and then on to fight more than his share of inner demons.  Recently, I'm witnessing some potential peaks and applauding each an every one of them.

Years ago watching a Steve Martin movie, his mother illustrated the life analogy of a roller coaster ride. You simply cannot enjoy the ride without the ups and downs.

Some folks would describe my life as filled with cake and ice cream, however like most, my meals are sometimes tough to swallow.  Recently I've been beaten up beyond what I've experienced in quite a while. I am however fortunate that good friends and glimpses of light at the end of the tunnel encourage me to keep my head down in the face of stronger winds than I'm use to.

The words "one day at a time" clearly resonate in a life of persistence.  It continues to amaze me the difference a day makes.

I would encourage anyone that is facing a challenge, to give yourself some quiet time and listen to what the world is offering up. Also to pay attention to answered prayers that don't initially feel that way!

Time will allow wisdom to prevail!

Keep both eyes open, ears listening and a positive attitude and wait for your peaks.  The valleys are your teachers and you need to respect them!


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