Sunday, December 25, 2016

It's A Wonderful Life

It's Christmas Day and I do my best to write a blog on Sundays if the spirit moves me and it simply did not this morning.

That is until I turned on the TV and watched It's A Wonderful Life, the 1946 Christmas Classic!

I'm sure each and every one of us has those days that make you feel a little bit like George Bailey. Pondering whether or not it would matter if you had never been born.

Yesterday, at the Birdneck Food Lion Christmas gift giving I had my George Bailey moment.  From Thanksgiving to the day prior to Christmas Eve The Noblemen collect gifts to distribute to those folks that could use a break during the holidays.  When those "Noble Deeds" are done we typically have gifts left over and on Christmas Eve we give the rest of them away!

The Christmas spirit is very much alive on Christmas Eve for me.  Our families, kids and all participate in this effort that truly does "Help Kids. And Change Lives."  For all of us most of all!

On this  Christmas Day I want to thank all of you for making me feel like George Bailey, "The Richest Man In Town!"

There is no greater gift than great friends and I am blessed with more that I deserve!

Merry Christmas Everyone!


Sunday, December 18, 2016

I do it my way!

It is my belief that inside everyone there is a compass.  A true direction to lead you to next steps and beyond.

When you lose your headings in life or you are in need for a course correction, know that help is internal.

Like a worn path in front of you, it is familiar when you get back on track.  ,,,and when you are off track, you know that as well.

Life is all about adventures and regaining balance.  If you don't experience the lows you simply cannot enjoy the highs!

During this Holiday season it is my Christmas wish that all of you check your compass and consider your current course settings.

The winds of 2017 are coming and there will be storms as well as sunny weather.  Know possess the tools to survive and even thrive.

Seek within and let your internal polish up your external!

Merry Christmas to all my friends!


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sometimes you just have to push the Reset Button!

Next year I will be 60 years old and to be honest, I was not sure I was going to make it.  It is not that I think that 60 is old mind you, I lost my father in his 59th year and it was on my mind!

Well I no longer think about that, my 59th year turned out to be a life changer!  My passion and my reason for being went away.  It was not remotely on my radar screen that I would no longer head up The Noblemen.

So....I had to press my "reset button" in order to save my farm, my life, and everybody I still owed. Not an easy task when you are 59.  Some folks think your best days are behind you.  ...and for almost three months I was thinking they might have a point.

I'm happy to say that is not the case today.  I spent all of last week at my new career.  I ran into folks that I worked with 10 years ago when I worked for WaterFurnace International and even over 30 years ago when I worked for Ferguson Enterprises.  It has begun to feel like an old comfortable pair of boots.  Life is going to move forward!

I am fortunate to have a wife that still loves me after over 27 years and put up with me when she was sometimes second fiddle to my involvement with "Helping Kids, And Changing Lives."  I can now right that wrong and that means a lot to me.

It is my desire in this next career to make those needed changes that allow me to glide into the next few decades with a smile on my face and a bank account to finance it.

How about all of you?  It takes some guts to push that "button."  I have heard from others that got their button pushed, and like me, there was still a future left!

To all my great friends, I am still here and I love you all!  It just may take a little more effort to spend time together, however,  it will be worth the additional investment.


Sunday, November 20, 2016

3 Life Lessons I Live By!

#1  Law of Attraction - Put simply, you attract what you think about.  There has been many books written about this subject, however, in principle it's simply common sense. Everything from your attitude, interests, the car you drive to what you do for a living.

If you purchase a new car, your eyes are attracted to every car on the road like yours.  If you have something to complain about, you surround yourself with like minded folks that need to wallow in the same sort of misery! 

The benefit of knowing this, can work in your favor.  Learn to attract good friends, positive attitudes and great health.  It's up to you! 

#2  Art of Allowing - Everyday there is input all around.  You are bombarded by family, work and media.  You own the decision to allow in and what you don't.  

Example - My son would leave a half eaten sandwich or some sort of mess on the kitchen counter. Every time I would walk by I would own that sandwich.  Upset that he wouldn't come back and put his mess away.  All the while he was enjoying his day and that sandwich was no where in his thoughts.  Solution...clean the damn counter and remove that from your life.  It's up to you to allow anything into your life.  Stupid comments, dumb ass people, and bad habits.  Only allow the stuff that brings you happiness and prosperity, or not!  Your choice! 

#3  Deliberate Creation - If you have something in your heart or a passion for a particular subject, you can simply manifest that desire.  

In 1995 I had the notion to repay the debt of my son's life and the community that made me whole.  I had no background or experience to create a platform of philanthropy, however I did have a strong desire.  For the next 20 years plus I dedicated my life to doing just that. The life and a few others were impacted beyond anyone's expectations. A gift I will cherish for the rest of my life!

I learned these life lessons when I read the book, Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks.  Just a heads up, you may not agree with their sources however the message is quite powerful.  I'm grateful for their wisdom as well as their teachings from Abraham.

I hope all of you enjoy your Thanksgiving  and remember to be thankful for all of the things that got you here! 


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Problem solving!

I recently reread Wayne Dyer's book 10 Secrets to Success and Happiness, as always, simply looking for nuggets of wisdom that would serve me during this time of transition.

If you have been reading my blog lately or for a long time, you have learned about my life's most recent opportunity.

My good friend Les Dossey posted on one of my recent Facebook entries concerning the removal of my Noblemen stickers off the door of my truck, his wisdom struck a cord.

Everyone eventually enters a crucible Al. Some die or stop living as a result. Others learn to love the fire and opt to stay in the crucible because pain is all they've known. But there is a third kind of person. The ones who allow the fire to burn away what weakens them so they become stronger. 

Our world just witnessed somewhat of a "crucible" with the election of Donald Trump. Clearly the citizens of this great nation are reacting in similar fashions.

The point Les made was simply this.  At 59 years old there are facets in my life that make me who I am.  I'm proud of most however, not so much all of them.

Staying on my own somewhat comfortable path (somewhat used loosely) what motivation would I have to make changes?  Not much!

As mentioned in the first statement of this blog I referred to Wayne Dyer's 10 Secrets to Success and Happiness. The nugget I took was "You can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it."

My crucible is slowly melting and eradicating those facets that needed adjustment.  It truly requires immense pressure and a bit of burning in order for change to arrive.

The pain is still raw and it is my fervent wish that the scars will heal and I will emerge a better man.

I am now on my third month without a means of supporting my family.  I have several opportunities I am exploring, so there is hope and optimism in my future.

How about all of you?  Is there a need for a crucible event in your life?

Look honestly at your reflection and meditate on your existence.  Hopefully you will not need the extremes that I had to experience.  There has to be easier ways for most.

For me, not so much!

I truly look forward to next steps as I am planning on living much longer, way past my father who passed away at 59.

As Les reminded me, this is not my first encounter with a life changing event.  The death of my Dad, A.B. Midgett, transformed me and opened up my world in a way that would not have happened with him still around.

My hope is this is my last crucible, however I doubt it, burn baby burn!


Sunday, October 30, 2016


There are many great virtues to admire in people, however I think my favorite is "persistence."

Life is just gonna throw some lemons your way, it's simply part of what gives balance to almost everyone.  When the valleys enter your life, the peaks often feel miles away.

I've watched my son Matt struggle with so many challenges, from starting out life given only a 2% chance of living.   Middle school almost did him in and then on to fight more than his share of inner demons.  Recently, I'm witnessing some potential peaks and applauding each an every one of them.

Years ago watching a Steve Martin movie, his mother illustrated the life analogy of a roller coaster ride. You simply cannot enjoy the ride without the ups and downs.

Some folks would describe my life as filled with cake and ice cream, however like most, my meals are sometimes tough to swallow.  Recently I've been beaten up beyond what I've experienced in quite a while. I am however fortunate that good friends and glimpses of light at the end of the tunnel encourage me to keep my head down in the face of stronger winds than I'm use to.

The words "one day at a time" clearly resonate in a life of persistence.  It continues to amaze me the difference a day makes.

I would encourage anyone that is facing a challenge, to give yourself some quiet time and listen to what the world is offering up. Also to pay attention to answered prayers that don't initially feel that way!

Time will allow wisdom to prevail!

Keep both eyes open, ears listening and a positive attitude and wait for your peaks.  The valleys are your teachers and you need to respect them!


Sunday, October 23, 2016

I love a good wave!

One thing that sets me a part from others is my love for riding motorcycles. For almost as long as I have been riding bikes I have also had one with a motor on it!

While riding when you pass a fellow biker a "biker's wave" is typically exchanged, and I got to say it's simply cool!

There is a certain brotherhood and sisterhood in riding motorcycles and this is clearly demonstrated every time I ride when I get the opportunity to wave at a fellow biker!

It's never elaborate, just a simple acknowledgement to a fellow rider!

When I attended Ferrum College a few years back in western part of Virginia, it was simply bad manners not to wave to just about everyone you saw.  When I got home I missed that!  There is a difference in rural folks and city folks.  ...and I have to say I prefer the first!

The best of me was constructed by people in my life.  It has been a long ride down many roads, lanes,streets and intersections.

As luck would have it I get to venture down new roads as I move forward in my next career.  I look forward to new adventures and meeting new folks!

I will remember to "wave" and look forward to greats folks that return the favor.


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Going Back To My Future!

Due to recent changes in my life due to actions by others, my future is altering it's course! Oh what a difference a day makes!

First steps moving forward I was not sure how or what direction my actions would take me. That being the case I jumped forward and back to examine what simply felt right.

I introduced myself to new folks and business opportunities, picked up new books and made lifestyle changes.

Fortunately my past was full of old friends and great business contacts so I picked up the phone and fired up Facebook, emails and old memories.

Just like putting on worn in great boots and old jeans, things started to feel comfortable again.  My confidence returned and I started to walk a little bit taller!  (nice feeling for a Midgett)

I initially resisted "going back" however I quickly realized that I was now armed with new skills and a cadre of phenomenal contacts that I call my "best friends."

Today my future is still uncertain however the anxiety is now removed.  Credit goes to being married to a wonderful soulmate, a half full mentality and a whole bunch of great friends!

Over these many years I have had the privilege of reading many great books and today they are serving me well.

You simply cannot predict a new life change; however I consider myself lucky that I live "one day at a time" knowing that tomorrow my future can still be bright as well as wonderful.

My good friend Keith was enduring a similar reality and we spent time together sampling proper reactions to our current scenario.  The lesson learned was not to "punk out."  Keep your head high and recognize that everyone doesn't see the world through your eyes.

Not sure where all this will go however the radio is now playing "Take me home country roads and that sounds good to me!"


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Best Friends!

I'll start this out by saying I'm damn fortunate to have married my best friend!

Several times in your life you are gonna get kicked in the shins  and it is not fun or pleasant however it does give your best friends a chance to step in and help you pick up the pieces. 

Facebook gave me the opportunity to let the world (my world) know that I needed help finding a living wage in order to support my infrastructure that I have built a lifetime creating.

In past lives, working for different companies I have made great friends and immediately they reached out and offered legitimate opportunities to throw my way without hesitation or even much consideration, I was touched and continue to be as they have not slowed down.

As CEO of The Noblemen I have had the privilege of changing lives and some of those lives are bending over backwards to allow me to move forward.  Some with agendas and others simply a loving helping hand.

Yesterday I spent time watching and listening to my best friend Pete, smiling inside remembering so many awesome things we did together to change lives including our own.  Forever thankful!

Coming home I got my weekly call from Pete Smith (a true surf legend) thanking me for being his best friend when he needed it the most!

Chris Caton turned his bike around on the boardwalk to reach out and renew a very long time friendship that I have missed.

Phil Kellam stepped out of his big time government business to offer anything available from the great city that he represents.

Every minute I am home I have a black lab that stands at attention ready to love on me in ways no humans are capable of.  I love my Marlin and thankful to my good friend Bonnie that gave him up and in doing so repaired our family!

I could go on forever talking about my friends; however I hope the point is well taken...I am blessed by friends and so thankful that my journeys have introduced me to some of the finest this world has to offer!

Today and the days that follow I will keep my head held high knowing that my greatest assets are simply a phone call or an email away!

Thanks to all of you for being my friends and know that I love your all!


Sunday, September 25, 2016

Old Dog, New Tricks!

Don’t allow yourself to be complacent about your current situation.  It’s quite simple to let your life simply cascade by day by day without the need to change or improve.

My world was interrupted and as a result everything I think about has a new perspective.  Old friends and love ones now appear in a different light. Who would of thought!

My contributions and actions that were once committed to a desired outcome are now reshuffled.  New realities re-prioritize your daily activities.

Today and each day forward I am a new man changed by the world’s life lessons.  I look forward to dedicating my talents and all that I have learned to new objectives and goals.

Trust me; it is not fun to start down a tough path with a desired plan with one hand of cards and life deals you a different hand.  However, that is the real world folks and I am grateful now that I learned that lesson.  Life is not all cake and ice cream.

Every day my eyes are a bit wider.  I now bring to the table a newer version of and old dog that has learned new tricks!  I am getting over a bit of disappointment and smiling a little more each day.

I know what I am capable of and hopefully a new landing platform will be available in order for me to launch a new version of “Noble One!”

I am so thankful that I took the time to “giveback” to this world.  It has matured me and brought me countless new friends and relationships. 

The privilege was mine to change my close friends lives and more importantly, young folks lives that now are impacted for a lifetime!  It is quite an honor and very gratifying.

Tomorrow and the next offer a new future and I am excited about the possibilities.  I am thankful that I have new tools in my toolbox and the wisdom from lessons learned.

So my advice to you!  Be careful where you anchor your ship, a storm awaits and you need to make sure to set your sails to ride out a new adventure.

Why?  It sucks to sink!




Sunday, September 4, 2016

Why Change?

Think about it, when life is giving you cake and ice cream , why rock the boat, why change?

When your family is happy and you look forward to coming home, why change?

People change for all sorts of reasons.  Usually it has something to do with being uncomfortable.  However change is not easy or comfortable!

When you select change understand that potentially everyone in your world is invited to change as well!  Don't take change lightly.

I find myself today in "change" mode!  It truly is an interesting phenomena for me.  I'm somewhat of a steady Eddie.  You can set your clock to my habits on a daily basis.  I do everything I can to build a steady platform to live my life and then duplicate actions and attitude to preserve the comfort of not needing to change!

It takes a pretty good size event to rock my world however in my 59 youthful years I have already had a few.  What does that do for me?  It allows me to take that next step even when I don't quite know where it will take me!  A new path, new adventure, new life! 

On these last few trips around the sun I learned a significant new life lesson!  My change can cause change in others.  In these last few days after moving away from one life and steering towards another I find myself surrounded by love and gratitude from countless folks that jumped on my train and took a life changing ride! 

You might consider a change good for you, however let me share this!  There is something very powerful in knowing your efforts made a difference in someone else's life beyond your own! 

These changes fortunately last! It's pretty cool to watch old friends and new ones become better folks!  It's a whole lot cooler when you change a teenager's life and watch a renaissance of new behavior placing them on a new productive path!

Looking back at past changes in my life.  Each time I got to set a few more things straight and experience life in a new way that was not known prior to embarking on a different direction. 

Life sometimes is like a speedboat.  You can steer straight and stay in the channel or explore more unique tributaries, however you can't change the wake of your boat.  As I look back at mine, I am fortunate that it makes me smile wide!

Don't go a changing unless perhaps you might want to help others change! 

Consider that!


Sunday, August 28, 2016

Retire or Rehire?

Things can certainly change in just a week!  After being asked to attend a high level meaning hosted by great folks and old friends that have supported The Noblemen for these many years I listened to new ideas on how best to move forward!   The overwhelming message I received was “all volunteer.”

I volunteered in September of 1995 to launch an organization that would repay the debt I felt I owed to my community for helping me get through the premature birth of my son Matt! 

What a ride it has been, everything from Justin Thatcher to Zoe Walenius to Amber Robinson to Reginald Land to Bryce Curry’s new shower, tons of toys and countless Noble Deeds. 
Most of all I have a whole host of new friends that vibrate at a slightly higher level and take time not only to be successful in their own lives but reached out to help others.  Great stuff indeed.

I have had several great careers in my life starting out with Ferguson Enterprises, moving on to Residential and Commercial Real Estate to Geothermal Heating and Cooling.  I'm confident there is a future!

Tomorrow I face my 59th birthday and if I am reading the tea leaves correctly I will be facing a great deal more than that!

Retire?  Not in the cards I’m afraid.  I can’t even afford to re-tire what I own now!  12 car tires, 4 tractor tires, 4 motor cycle tires, 6 bicycle tires, 4 ATV tires and countless accessories’ tires. 

Tomorrow will be another day!  I am keeping my eyes open for next steps, new passion, new vision and exploring the opportunity to continue to make a difference in people’s lives.
What's on your schedule?


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Whoa, I didn't think I would make it this far, and other difficulties!

My father passed away at age 59 and all his brothers and sister, my uncles and aunt, have now joined him!  This month I will turn 59. 

Trust me I am no pessimist and most would say my glass is always half full.  It just never leaves my mind that my future is uncertain at best.

Last week I was faced with the reality if changes were not made The Noblemen would not make it till the end of the year without suffering significantly!

Wow which one of us will die first?

Perhaps it’s time for some good ole reality therapy!

I woke up this morning and plan to do the same for the immediate future!

Last week I met with my board and made the decision to close down our office at the beach and ask staff to now volunteer!  

I remember writing a blog a while back describing growth as 5 steps forward, 5 steps back, 5 steps forward, 5 steps back, 5 steps forward, 4.5 steps back – Yay!

I recently attended the Global Leadership Conference held at Spring Branch.  John Maxwell spoke to me when he referred to all growth as a “climb.”  You never get to somewhere great and look back and say “I wonder how I got here!”

I look forward to next steps and invite all of you to evaluate your current scenario.  Pain and discomfort are “no fun” as motivators.  They do work however!  Your choice!

Today I celebrate a wife that I love and loves me back!  A son that I love and gives me a reason to do what I do.  A dog that loves me more than life itself!  A career that clearly impacts my life as well as a few others!

WTF do I have to complain about!

Today is a great day and I look forward to tomorrow!


Sunday, July 31, 2016

I've got something to say

My life was set in a new direction in 1993 when my son Matt was born despite given only a 2% chance of survival.   Tough decisions and strong faith rewarded me with a son, a family and a reason to alter my life’s course.  

My heart started to beat in a new way and my soul directed me to take action.  I’ve done my best to honor that calling to “balance the gift” that was given to me!

The Noblemen are my employer, my career, my calling, my family, my why!

Today I face many new challenges requiring me to even question the relevance of my actions over time. 

I would like to remind my community “why” I created this organization…

  • To share the "joy" when you focus on giving not getting
  • To provide that “platform” for others to use to improve the lives of the children that surround them
  • To have “fun” creating our own local philanthropy and seeing first hand what we can do to change someone's life!
  •  To explore cool new ways of helping kids using my friends, my town, and local businesses, combining our talents to make something great!
  • I have "no agenda" other than creating and doing something amazing for all of my members, partners and my community!

Monday I need to shift into new gears in order to take The Noblemen to a new place of relevance!

 I can’t do it without

  • Old friends
  • Friends I haven’t met
  • Making changes
  • New leaders
  • New talent
  • Great Vision!

I strongly encourage my community to support The Noblemen, I promise to deliver an amazing return on your investment!

Love you all!

Who's with me?